
Exercise N°6

  1. Copy paste the UserItem.vue & UserList.vue from the previous exercise into src/components/user.

  2. Create a component BaseDialog.vue into the src/components/UI folder. This component will use a named slot for header and a default slot for content, and another named slot for footer (button). Use the teleport component to attach the dialog to the body. Hint: You can use the html dialog tag Documentation Emit a close event, when user clicks outside the dialog.

  3. Move the users array from UserList.vue to App.vue.

  4. Provide users array into the dependency injection from App.vue. Retrieve the users from the dependency injection into UserList.vue.

  5. Use BaseDialog component into UserList.vue. Put a title in the header slot. Put a message in the default content slot. Put a confirm button on footer slot. On the confirm button, call a method to remove the user form the injected users array (Hint : use array.splice instead of array.filter) Use v-if to check if the dialog should be shown, when event delete-user is emitted. Listen close event to hide dialog.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.