
Exercise N°8

  1. install vue-router dependency.

  2. Fill the router.js file. Use the createRouter function to build app routes. Create a path for /todos url, it will display the pages/TodoList.vue component. Create a path for /add-todo url, it will display the pages/AddTodo.vue component. make url /todos as welcome default url. Export a router variable which contains your routes.

  1. Fill main.js and register your routes with router plugin.

  2. Fill App.vue, and add 2 router-view. Check the comments inside the file.

  3. Fill TheNavigation.vue and add 2 router-link. Check the comments inside the file.

  4. In AddTodo.vue file, navigate to /todos url when the user add a todo. Check the comment inside the file.

  5. Finally add a component TheFooter.vue in src/components/UI. Display any text. Use this component in the footer named router-view (App.vue) for /todos and /add-todo urls.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.