A lightweight server that will create, retrieve, update, and delete JSON files RESTfully.
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need better solution for uri prefixes
#39 opened by balmas - 0
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Alert needed in Rakefile that running the test suite is destructive to existing data.
#30 opened by caesarfeta - 0
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_put method should not save JSON-LD files to filesystem until JackRDF converts it successfully
#29 opened by caesarfeta - 1
Add better CORS support. See imgup.
#26 opened by caesarfeta - 0
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Add support for separate @context JSON file
#24 opened by caesarfeta - 1
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Start work on scripts for using a JSON-LD template to populate JackSON with semi-random test records to simulate application use.
#21 opened by caesarfeta - 2
Write task for partial URL replacement of stored JSON and any corresponding triples.
#12 opened by caesarfeta - 0
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Write rake task for creating triples from saved json-ld. Call it 'rake triple:make'
#8 opened by caesarfeta - 1
/urn?cite="urn:cite:perseus:data" should return path to JSON-LD file that created the cite:urn object in the triplestore.
#13 opened by caesarfeta - 0
Create 'ls' style command.
#10 opened by caesarfeta - 0
- 0
Integrate with git for versioning magic.
#5 opened by caesarfeta - 0
Create script for creating a boilerplate Foundation/Angular application applying what you learned with mcmockup.
#1 opened by caesarfeta - 0
Input JSON validation
#3 opened by caesarfeta - 0
User authentication.
#2 opened by caesarfeta