
JSON Mapping from Greek beta code to Greek characters and vice versa

MIT LicenseMIT

Beta Code JSON

Map of Greek Beta Code characters to Unicode and from Unicode to Beta Code.


The mappings in this repository aim mostly to conform to the TLG standard specified here.

Not every application that uses Greek Beta Code follows the TLG standard exactly. The mappings try to capture these nonstandard uses without breaking Beta Code encoded according to the standard in the following ways:

  • Lowercase Latin letters can be used in the Beta Code (e.g. a, w=)
  • Uppercase Greek letters can be keyed 1. asterisk, 2. breathing, 3. accent, 4. iota subscript, 5. letter (e.g. *(=|W)
  • Uppercase Greek letters can be keyed 1. asterisk, 2. letter, 3. breathing, 4. accent, 5. iota subscript (e.g. *W(=|)

Example uses