
Simple time tracking from the command line

Primary LanguagePython


Simple time tracking from the command line. Built for simplicity and usability first.


xtimetracker helps you manage your projects and track your time. It is a command line tool (x) with a simple set of commands and options.

It was born as a fork of the Watson project and it maintains compatibility with its JSON file format. It aspires to be a simple, maintained, and extendable (using plugins) time tracking software.


  • Simple command-line interface with a reduced number of powerful commands
  • Auto-completion for Bash and Zsh
  • Multiple report formats


You can install it using pip like this:

$ pip install xtimetracker

Quick tutorial

Start tracking your activity via:

$ x start research +experiment +coding

With this command, you have started a new frame for the research project with the experiment and coding tags.

When you finish working on the task, stop tracking via:

$ x stop
Stopping project research [experiment, coding], started 30 minutes ago and stopped just now. (id: 5c57b13)

You can view a log of your last week using the log command:

$ x log
Tuesday 26 January 2020 (8m 32s)
      ffb2a4c  13:00 to 13:08      08m 32s   research [experiment, coding]

To list all available commands use:

$ x --help


You can find detailed information for each command using -h/--help after a command (e.g. x start -h).

You can find a list of available commands with x -h or x --help.


x shows the status of the time tracker, i.e. tracked activity, tags and elapsed time.

x start

This command starts tracking a new activity associated to a project and a set of tags. The project and/or tags can sometimes be omitted depending on the configuration and options used.

If there is an already running activity and the configuration optioni stop_on_start is true, the activity will be automatically stopped.


  • --stretch, -s: Stretch start time to continue just after last tracked activity.

  • --restart, -r: If a project is provided, the last tags used with it will be automatically added. If no project is provided, the last tracked project and tags will be used.

x stop

This command stops the tracking in progress, if there is any.

x cancel

This command cancels the tracking in progress, if there is any.


Copyright (C) 2021 David Alfonso

This work is licensed under multiple licenses.

  • All original source code is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.
  • All code borrowed from the Watson project <https://github.com/TailorDev/Watson>_ is licensed under the MIT license.

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later AND MIT

For more accurate information, you can check the individual files.