👓 Overview

Welcome to Persistence Docs! Here you can find anything and everything related to the Persistence Liquid Staking Hub. We invite you to Learn, Participate, Explore, Build, Integrate, Validate and Connect with us on this journey.

{% hint style="warning" %} Note: This new Persistence Docs is still in a draft stage. We apologise if the information you're looking for is not yet available. Feel free to contribute to make it better, or please reach out to the team directly with any questions you might have. {% endhint %}

Learn 📖

The perfect place to build context in case you're just getting started

IntroductionAbout Persistence, the why, the problem statement and the offered solutionsintroduction.md
Ecosystem OverviewExplore the various parts of the Liquid Staking Hubecosystem-overview.md
FoundationTo foster a flourishing Liquid Staking Ecosystem by driving utility to $XPRTBroken link
LabsDriving product innovation, applications and tools for the Persistence Network. Broken link
FundamentalsSome basic concepts to get you startedfundamentals

Participate & Explore 🔍

Your participation matters! Read all about how you can participate in the Persistence ecosystem, and explore all the tools available to help you do so.

$XPRTFind out how to acquire and stake the native ecosystem token and use it in Governance and DeFi.stake.md
WalletsFind out which wallets to use to interact with the Persistence chainwallets.md
ExplorersYour options to find the on-chain data you needexplorers.md
BridgesYour options for bridging assets into or out of Persistencebridges.md
Other ToolsUseful other tools for users, developers and validators

Build, Integrate, Validate ⚒️

Technical Documentation for builders & validators

Running NodesHow to run a node locally, on testnet or on mainnetnodes-and-endpoints
ValidatorsHow to become a validator on testnet or mainnetvalidators
RelayersWhich relayers are maintained, and how to run one yourselfrelayers
IndexersHow to connect to and even run Graph Nodesindexers
Smart ContractsHow to build Dapps on top of the Persistence Chain via CosmWasmsmart-contracts
ModulesUnderstand the current modules and how to leverage themmodules
ToolsFind all tools that have been built for the ecosystemtools
ContributeHow to contribute to the persistence ecosystemcontribute.md
GrantsHow to get support & funding from the Foundationgrants.md

Connect & Follow 😍

Find all links to the Persistence official pages and channels on this page.

Disclaimer: While this docs page is provided and maintained as a collaborative effort between Persistence Labs & the Persistence Foundation, there is no guarantee that all presented information is up-to-date at all times. We invite the community to flag any errors or inaccuracies and contribute to keeping the docs up-to-date.