
Sniff conversations between random strangers on the Omegle random-pairing instant messaging service using libomegle.

Primary LanguageC++

Omegle MITM

###NOTICE: This was written quite a while ago and the Omegle binary protocol (Flash sockets - this code doesn't use the web API) has almost certainly changed or been removed since then. Omegle MITM and the underlying libomegle are no longer maintained.

Omegle MITM is a program that sniffs conversations between random strangers on the 'Omegle' http://omegle.com random-pairing instant messaging service. It does this by establishing two connections, and then routing their messages to one another transparently, all the while recording them to log files (log.*****.txt) for generating a corpus for later analysis.

Only one conversation is logged at a time for bot-detection avoidance and it can therefore take a considerable amount of time to acquire logs. It is designed to be ran from multiple servers, although there is no intercommunication implemented in the software yet. Log files must therefore be transferred manually.


Omegle MITM depends upon boost, including boost-regex and boost-filesystem. You can install these (Ubuntu 11.10) with sudo apt-get install libboost1.46-dev libboost-regex1.46-dev libboost-filesystem1.46-dev libboost-system1.46-dev.

Additionally, you'll need the libomegle library. Acquire it from https://github.com/personalcomputer/libomegle.

Once the dependencies are satisfied, compile Omegle-MITM by running make from the src directory.