

Notes are highlighted as light blue boxes. To create a note use the > (Quote) in Markdown. The Headline will be added automatically.

Adding Pages

1. Layout

The layout of documentation pages is docu, the layout of the landing page is default.

2. Menu-Items

Please define the selected: & expanded: value in the beginning of the Markdown file. (Only important on overview pages)

3. Menu

There are two menus on the website, both have a json file from which they are generated. menu.json (located in the _data folder) is the main menu on the documentation page, secondarymenu.json is the small hover. To add or remove or change the menu you need to make the appropriate changes in these json files.


To add a blog post, all you need is to add a new .md-file to folder _posts. The file name pattern should be like this:

Front matter of a single post:

layout: post  
title:  "Your Post Title"  
author: Max Mustermann  
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->

Include the excerpt_separator <!--more--> when you wish to end the post preview.


The site is built using Jekyll. To build the site locally, install the minima theme gem install "jekyll-theme-minima" and run jekyll serve.