
Pressing ctrl+Shift+P and typing vimrc allows editing a very-limited .vimrc-like configuration file for CodeMirror's ViM mode.

See the relevant post on the Joplin forum.

This is a sample vimrc-like configuration file:

" A .vimrc-like file. At present, very little is supported.
" You can use the commands:
"   inoremap, vnoremap, nnoremap
"   imap, nmap, vmap
"   unmap
" Because commands are passed directly to CodeMirror's VIM API,
" insert-mode mappings seem to be unable to insert text.
" Examples:
" Allow copying/pasting with ctrl+c/ctrl+v when in insert mode.
unmap <C-c>
unmap <C-v>
" Map jk to Escape in insert mode:
imap jk <Esc>