
Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

NoCat Authentication v0.82
(c) 2001 - 2003 Schuyler Erle & Robert Flickenger.

*** Read the INSTALL to get a quick jumpstart on building a gateway.  
  Read doc/* (particularly Introduction.txt, AuthService.txt, and
  SameMachine.txt) for more details on setting up your own
  authservice. ***

*** REPEAT: The documentation is in INSTALL and in doc/*! READ IT! ***


If you're upgrading from 0.80, read this!

Upgrading an Authentication Service from 0.80 (DBI driver only)
If you currently run a version 0.80 authserv using the DBI driver, then
you will need to run "perl upgrade-0.80-db.pl" after running "make
authserv". This script will properly encrypt the passwords in your
database, correcting a known bug in 0.80. You will need to edit this
script to point to a different library directory if you have installed
your authserv to  somewhere other than /usr/local/nocat. DO NOT RUN THIS
SCRIPT MORE THAN ONCE or it will probably frag your user's passwords.
Make sure you have your database backed up first, okay?

Upgrading an Authentication Service from versions prior to 0.80
"make authserv" does not by default overwrite your HTML template forms.
As a result, you will need to make manual changes to the following files
in /usr/local/nocat/htdocs to correct a browser incompatibility that
prevented some users from logging into a NoCat node with IE 5 or 6:


The specific change that needs to be made is that the string 
'<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="$refresh" />' (minus the single
quotes) needs to be inserted into each of these files, immediately prior
to '</head>'. You may use any amount of whitespace before or after the
new <meta> tag.

Alternately, you could try running:

    perl -pi -e \
      's#(</head>)#<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="\$redirect" />$1#os' \
      login_ok.html register_ok.html renew.html renew_pasv.html

... from /usr/local/nocat/htdocs. But be sure to back up your htdocs/
directory before trying this.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Core dev team:

* Schuyler Erle
* Rob Flickenger

NoCat website design:

* Adam Flaherty
* Terrie Miller

Other Cool Cats (for their support, testing, code, 
    bug reports, and general well-wishing):

* Jim Rosenbaum
* Nate Boblitt
* Rich Gibson
* Terry Schmidt
* Michael Codanti
* Craig Slimmer

This code also includes contributions from (in no particular order):

* Michael Bailey (LocalGateway patch, dynamic FORWARD filter, and some
  filesystem restructuring)
* Matt Westervelt (ipchains code + testing)
* Steve Beattie (original ipchains support)
* Pasi Lahtinen (fix for RedHat 7.1 ipchains/iptables strangeness)
* Matt Peterson (*BSD ipf detection and support)
* Michael Codanti (ARP expiration and a bunch of other stuff)
* Don Park (gateway status page)
* Richard Lotz (OpenBSD packetfilter support)
* DJ Gregor (OpenBSD packetfilter support and lots of other cool stuff)
* Scott Lemon (LDAP support)
* Nathan Zorn (LDAP support)
* Scott C. Lemon (Major improvements to LDAP support)
* Jan-Patrick Perisse (RADIUS support)
* Chip Ach (Significant RADIUS improvements)
* Matt William Barclay (Syslog support, status support in Captive/Passive mode)
* Ilguiz Latypov (various improvements)
* Matt McParland (IMAP support)
* Olivier Page (NIS support)

...and, of course, a slew of other people who provide ideas, rants, flames,
public demos, and even the occasional patch.

For more assistance, and to contribute, join the NoCat mailing list, or
find us on IRC at irc.openprojects.net #wireless.  See http://nocat.net
for more details.

We hope NoCat Auth helps you provide unlimited bandwidth
everywhere for free.

You can always get the most current release at:
