:wave: Hello! Raspberry Pi Projects, GNU/Linux, and Python programming are some of my hobbies. I also enjoy building and flying RC airplanes along with drones.
Europa, Jupiter's icy moon
perspector's Following
- abhiTronixAutodidact • Researcher • Open-sourcerer
- acxz@ACDSLab
- atom-community
- brandiqaBrandiqa
- brunosimonCreative Journey
- calmh@kastelo
- CesiumGSPhiladelphia, PA
- coqui-ai
- CreativeToolsSweden
- cryinkflyGermany
- crysxdAmsterdam
- ericstonekingWashington, DC
- FeodorFitsnerAppVeyor Systems Inc.
- flet-devCanada
- flipperdevicesUnited States of America
- flxztGermany
- foosel@OctoPrint
- GreenWizard2015
- gvanrossumMicrosoft
- hrjkknox@HWRacing
- hvlckMars
- JabrilsJabrils
- kmille
- ndonkoHenriGermany
- pulsar-edit
- realtuxHelix
- SAPWalldorf, Germany
- sap-tutorials
- SebLagueDenmark
- signalappEverywhere and nowhere
- SourangshuGhoshDepartment of Civil Engineering
- syncthing
- ThatcherCWashington, DC
- tonyb486New York, NY
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- zed-industries