
A Java Spring Boot JSF PrimeFaces JPA Web Application

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A Java Spring Boot JSF PrimeFaces JPA Web Application

This Java Spring Boot JSF PrimeFaces MVC Web application was made by the following technology:

  • springboot-jsf-primefaces-jpa at GitHub

  • Updated dependencies to use another MySQL DB

  • Migration from Java 8 to Java 11

  • Visual Studio Code with the Microsoft Java Extension Pack

  • Microsoft Azure App Service with a Free App Service Plan for web hosting

  • JVM memory have been set to an alocation of 512 MB both initial and max because of the limited physial memory

  • MySQL Database

  • Tomcat JDBC Datasource instead of the default HikariCP

  • JSF, PrimeFaces, Entity Model as well as a Service and JPA Repository layer for mapping the Model to the Database

  • Maven as build tool

  • JPA implemented by Hibernate for initializing the Database and mapping objects

  • Hibernate Validator and Apache Commons Validater for server side form validation

  • PrimeFaces for the View part ( GUI )