
Raspberry Pi controlled chicken coop door

Primary LanguagePython


Raspberry Pi controlled chicken coop door


  • git clone https://github.com/pertneer/chickenPi.git
  • edit config.ini to reflect your email settings
  • edit sunrise.ini
    • change Lat and Lng to your location
    • sunset offset moves time to after sunrise to allow chickens time to go into coop
    • edit file location for where each file is located


open command line and run following command

  • sudo python /home/<Username>/Desktop/sunrise.py
    • this will set initial time to open and close the door
  • sudo crontab -e
    • edit cron to add the following
      • 0 4 * * * python /home/<Username>/Desktop/sunrise.py
    • this will run the sunrise program each morning at 4 a.m. to get the days sunrise and sunset times