
Bash scripts to setup minimal Debian

Primary LanguageShell

Debian 6 VPS Script

Remove excess packages (apache2, sendmail, bind9, samba, nscd, etc) and install the basic components needed for a light-weight HTTP(S) web server:

  • dropbear (SSH)
  • iptables (firewall)
  • dash (replaces bash)
  • syslogd
  • MySQL (v5.5+ without Innodb, configured for lowend VPS)
  • PHP-FPM (v5.3+ with APC installed and configured)
  • exim4 (light mail server)
  • nginx (v1.2+ from dotdeb)
  • nano, mc, htop, iftop & iotop

Includes sample nginx config files for PHP sites. You can create a basic site shell (complete with nginx vhost) like this:

./deb-setup.sh site www.example.com

When running the iptables or dropbear install you must specify a SSH port. Remember, port 22 is the default. It's recommended that you change this from 22 just to save server load from attacks on that port.

Usage (in recommended order)

Warning! This script will overwrite previous configs during reinstallation.

wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/perttierkkila/debian-vps/master/deb-setup.sh
chmod +x deb-setup.sh
./deb-setup.sh dotdeb
./deb-setup.sh locale   # for OpenVZ
./deb-setup.sh system
./deb-setup.sh dropbear [port]
./deb-setup.sh iptables [port]
./deb-setup.sh mysql
./deb-setup.sh nginx
./deb-setup.sh php
./deb-setup.sh exim4
./deb-setup.sh site [site url]
./deb-setup.sh mysqluser [site url]
./deb-setup.sh wordpress [site url]

For agent, enter Zabbix-server IP to configure agent and iptables to allow connections. Host name refers configured name at Zabbix-server (required to get active checks working). Server installs main server, frontend and local agent. Running server+frontend requires around 100Mb extra memory and modifications to PHP-settings, so 150Mb+ memory is required. Agent takes around 4Mb.

wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/perttierkkila/debian-vps/master/deb-zabbix.sh
chmod +x deb-zabbix.sh
./deb-zabbix.sh agent [server ip] [host name]
./deb-zabbix.sh server [host name]
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/perttierkkila/debian-vps/master/deb-3proxy.sh
chmod +x deb-3proxy.sh
./deb-3proxy.sh install [port]
./deb-3proxy.sh auth [username] [password]
./deb-setup.sh webmin
Classic Disk I/O and Network test

Run the classic Disk IO (dd) & Classic Network (cachefly) Test

./deb-setup.sh test
Neat python script to report memory usage per app

Neat python script to report memory usage per app

./deb-setup.sh ps_mem
Info on Operating System, version and Architecture
./deb-setup.sh info

Either you want to generate ssh-keys (id_rsa) or a custom key for something (rsync etc) Note: argument is optional, if its left out, it will write "id_rsa" key

./deb-setup.sh sshkey [optional argument_1]

After installation

  • MySQL root is given a new password which is located in ~root/.my.cnf
  • after installing the full set, ram usage reaches ~40-45Mb.
  • by default APC is configured to use 16Mb for caching
  • to reduce ram usage, you may disable APC by moving or deleting file /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini
  • I recommend installing Ajenti and/or Webmin to manage your VPS
