
Relaunch a PHP FPM and/or CGI process on timeout or termination

Primary LanguageShell

Shell script to restart php-fpm when a 502 or a timeout occurs


This is a shell script that should be run as root that restarts php-fpm when a 502 Bad Gateway error or there's a timeout when requesting a PHP page using cURL.

This is not to be used as permanent fix, but rather a placeholder that is to be used while you're tuning your php-fpm settings. If this script invoked frequently then there's something very wrong with your site.

The script works by requesting every n seconds a very simple PHP page that just prints two variables: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] and $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].


The script included requires the following:

  • ts utility included on the debian moreutils package.

  • flock included in the debian util-linux package.

  • curl command line HTTP client.

  • service script included on the debian sysvinit-utils package.

  • pgrep included on the debian procps package.

  • mcron if you want a high precision cron (second granularity).

If any of the above is not present the script will fail.


  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Clone the PHP page.

  3. Configure your server for supporting this script. In the nginx directory a suggested configuration is given. The vhost configuration is:

    Nginx config:

    server {
       listen; # IPv4 loopback bound
       listen [::1]:8889 ipv6only=on; # IPv6 loopback bound
       server_name heartbeat.no-ip;
       access_log /var/log/nginx/heartbeat.access.log;
       error_log /var/log/nginx/heartbeat.error.log;
       ## If the hearbeat is not allowed close the connection.
       if ($heartbeat_not_allowed) {
           return 444;
       root /var/www/sites/php-heartbeat;
       index index.php;
       ## The catch all location.
       location / {
       ## The PHP heartbeat.
       location = /php-heartbeat.php {
           access_log off;
           fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
    } # server
  4. Is your responsability to restrict access to this host. In the nginx directory there's a heartbeat_allowed.conf file that should be included at the http level of your nginx configuration. It restricts the hearbeat access to the loopback or/and a (V)LAN. Here's an example with the loopback and a IPv4 and IPv6 VLAN:

    geo $heartbeat_not_allowed {
        default 1; 0;
        ::1 0;
        fd0c:b7ed:0666:33a3::/64 0; 0;
  5. Install the script in the crontab of root:

    * * * * * /path/to/php-relaunch http://heartbeat.no-ip:8889/php-heartbeat.php 5 'some@address.com' &>/dev/null

    This sets a timeout of 5 seconds when requesting the above test page. If a restart happens then email an alert to some@address.com. Besides sending an emai, which is optional, just pass the empty string "" as address, a log is always recorded in /tmp/php_relaunch.log.

  6. If you're running php-cgi as a fallback to php-fpm then pass an additional argument to the script. The above crontab entry would be:

    * * * * * /path/to/php-relaunch http://heartbeat.no-ip:8889/php-heartbeat.php 5 'some@address.com' 1 &>/dev/null

  7. Done.

Note that you can have multiple email addresses. Just add them between quotes, separated by a comma, for two addresses:


Here's the full crontab line:

`* * * * * /path/to/php-relaunch
http://heartbeat.no-ip:8889/php-heartbeat.php 5 'some@address.com,someoneelse@otheraddress.com' &>/dev/null`

Using mcron

mcron is a high-precision job scheduler. It's to be preferred to cron — aka Vixie's cron — whenever there's the need for executing jobs in the seconds range.

mcron is written in Guile, a dialect of Scheme, and the preferred way of configuring it. There's a Vixie's cron compatible configuration, but using it you cannot specify complex execution conditions or second level timings. Hence here we use a Guile (Scheme) job specification. Here are the things to bear in mind when using mcron:

  • mcron is run for each user, so we need to launch it in daemon mode.

  • It relies on a ~/.cron directory where there's a job.guile file specifying all jobs.

  • Since in order to restart php-fpm we need to be root, mcron must be run as root.

Here's the howto for running the php-relaunch script using mcron:

  1. Repeats steps 1 to 4 of the Installation procedure above:

  2. Create a /root/.cron directory.

  3. Create a file job.guile in the /root/.cron directory and add the Guile code:

    (job '(next-second (range 0 60 10)) "/path/to/php-relaunch http://heartbeat.no-ip:8889/php-heartbeat.php 5 'some@address.com' &>/dev/null")

    This means that the job will execute every 10 seconds. Which makes sense given that we passed as argument to php-relaunch a value of 5 seconds as the threshold for considering when PHP is unresponsive.

  4. Launch mcron in daemon mode as root:

    mcron -d
  5. Done.

In the mcron directory there's an example job.guile use it for creating your own. Adapt the path to php-relaunch, to the URI of the PHP heartbeat page, threshold for considering PHP unresponsive and the email address(es) to be notified when a relaunch occurs.p

mcron with Vixie's cron as a fallback

We can setup both types of cron utilities: try to use mcron first and fallback on Vixie's cron in case it's not running.

For that we configure both mcron and cron. The only thing we need to change is the crontab line to:

`* * * * * pgrep mcron || (/path/to/php-relaunch http://heartbeat.no-ip:8889/php-heartbeat.php 5 'some@address.com' &>/dev/null`)

or for multiple email addresses being notified:

`* * * * * pgrep mcron || (/path/to/php-relaunch http://heartbeat.no-ip:8889/php-heartbeat.php 5 'some@address.com,someoneelse@otheraddress.com' &>/dev/null`)     

Now whenever mcron is not running we launch php-relaunch every minute.


  • Add a FreeBSD oriented setup. Pull requests very much welcomed.