Back-End Web Development of flight booking website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BED Assignment 1

Back-End Web Development (BED) CA1 Assignment Developed endpoints in the back-end side for a flight booking website

Setup Instructions

  • Open the zip and open the extracted folder in Visual Studio Code
  • Open the db_init.sql file, paste it on the query and run it on the Workbench by clicking on the lightning icon
  • If you cannot open the file, open the SQL file in a text editor and copy and paste the contents on the query
  • On the databaseConfig.js file located in the model folder, change the password to your own password that you usually use in the Workbench
  • On the terminal, run “nodemon" or "node server.js" if the first command does not work and you do not have nodemon installed
  • Test all of the endpoints on POSTMAN based on the documentations below
  • Install all the required node packages using “npm install”
  • Refer to README.md for more details about the code

Packages Installed

  • Body Parser
  • Express
  • Multer
  • MySQL
  • Nodemon

Refer to the package.json file to view all the dependencies


  • Controller
    • App.js
  • Model
    • airport.js
    • booking.js
    • databaseConfig.js
    • flight.js
    • promotion.js
    • user.js
  • Uploads (Uploaded images from POSTMAN)
  • Package-lock.json
  • Package.json
  • README.md
  • Server.js

SQL Tables Created

Database name: sp_air

  • user - stores user information

    • user id
    • username
    • email
    • contact number
    • password
    • role
    • profile picture
    • created_at
  • flight - stores flight information

    • flight id
    • flight code
    • aircraft type
    • origin airport
    • destination airport
    • embark date
    • travel time
    • price
    • product listing image
    • created_at
  • airport - stores airport name and country

    • airport id
    • name of airport
    • country of airport
    • description of airport
  • bookings - stores booking made by a user

    • booking id
    • name
    • passport
    • nationality
    • age
    • booked_at
  • promotion - store promotion period dates and discounts

    • promotion id
    • flight id
    • startDate
    • endDate
    • discount

Foreign Keys

  • airport.airportid = flight.originAirport and flight.destinationAirport
  • flight.flightid = booking.flightid
  • user.userid = booking.userid
  • user.username = booking.name
  • flight.flightid = promotion.flightid

Summary of Endpoints Created

  1. Endpoint 1 - POST /users/ - Create a new user
  2. Endpoint 2 - GET /users/ - Get all users from the user database
  3. Endpoint 3 - GET /users/:id - Get user by their id
  4. Endpoint 4 - PUT /users/:id - Update a user by their id
  5. Endpoint 5 - POST /airport - Add a new airport
  6. Endpoint 6 - GET /airport - Get all airports from the airport database
  7. Endpoint 7 - POST /flight - Update airport information
  8. Endpoint 8 - GET /flightDirect/:originAirportId/:destinationAirportId - Get flights travelling from origin airport to destination airport
  9. Endpoint 9 - POST /booking/:userid/:flightid - Add a new booking to the booking database
  10. Endpoint 10 - DELETE /flight/:id/ - Delete a flight by its id
  11. Endpoint 11 - GET /transfer/flight/:originAirportId/:destinationAirportId - Get transfer flights to destination

Bonus Requirement Fufillment

  • Implementation of Multer in app.js to support uploading of image files into form-data in POSTMAN

    • File size limited to 1MB, otherwise error will be outputted
    • Only JPG and PNG files are accepted, using fileFilter function in Multer object and comparing with file mimetype
    • Feature is only available for user and flight endpoints
    • Uploaded files can be found under the uploads folder
  • Endpoints related to promotional discounts for certain periods

    • Retrieves flightid and cross references promotion table to check if promotion exists for the flight
    • Checks if promotion applicable for flight by checking if booking date within promotion period, if not no discount
    • Applies discount if there is promotion for flight within promotion period
    1. Endpoint 12 - POST /promotions/:flightid - Create a new promotion
    2. Endpoint 13 - GET /promotions - Get all promotions
    3. Endpoint 14 - GET /promotions/:promotionid - Get promotion by promotionid
    4. Endpoint 15 - DELETE /promotion/:promotionid - Delete a promotion by promotionid

Advanced Features

  • Checkout Feature

    • Endpoint 16 - GET /checkout/:bookingid
    • Check if booking exists to be checked out
    • Gives user option to select flight class in their booked flight (Economy, Business, First)
      • Standard price for flights is for Economy Class
      • Business Class tickets cost 50% more than Economy Class tickets
      • First Class tickets cost 100% more than Economy Class tickets
    • Users can indicate quantity of tickets (must be for the same class)
    • Final price will be calculated, taking into account discounts, class and quantity
    • Checkout information will be displayed and resets every time a new checkout is made
  • Searching for flights based on airline

    • Endpoint 17 - GET /searchAirline?query=
    • Shows all the flights offered by the airline (all origin and destination cities)
  • Searching for flights between certain ranges user specifies

    • Endpoint 18 - GET /flights/price?min=&max=
    • Minimum and maximum range to be specified by the user in the body