
express js boilerplate for develop awesome express project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Express JS boilerplate

boilerplate for express js projects

How to Use

  1. clone this repo
  2. remove .git directory
  3. run project with
npm start
  1. open http://localhost:1337/

Deploy To Heroku

  1. create heroku account
  2. install heroku-cli
  3. create heroku dynos in https://dashboard.heroku.com
  4. initialize your project with git
git init
  1. remote git repo with heroku
heroku git:remote -a <name of your dynos>

example: awesome-express-web

heroku git:remote -a awesome-express-web
  1. commit in heroku git
git commit -am "Done Ready To deploy"
  1. push to heroku
git push heroku master

Done :)

check in https://yourdynosname.heroku.app

Ex: https://awesome-express-web.heroku.app

Contributing to This Projects

if you like this project you can help with contributing in this projects, following this step to contibute

  • fork this project
  • create new branch for develop some feature

example: add-some-feature

  • push to you git repo
  • create pull requests to main repo

Remove/replace this README.md for your awesome projects, or replace with your awesome readme,

change author name in package.json with your name