battle tested EC6 micro lib that implement useful timer
The Timer
notifies on each x ms and use as a thenable object (behave like a promise )
that resolve when time done
import Timer from 'timer'
const timer = new Timer(10 * 1000, function onEnd(){
// called when time end
timer.tick( _=>{
// call thick every 1000ms
console.log(`${timer.progress()} progress`);
}, 1000)
await timer;
console('timer done')
time is the time
set timer duration
stop and restart the timer, it not trigger end promise;
stop the timer, stop to notify about the pastime.
remember the progress and continue it after calls resume()
stop the timer.
On that point it can be choose on which point on the
timer progress to stop the timer from 0-1.
is about to call or not last time the callbacks of all tick callback.
resume timer after a pause. not ops when call when timer already work.
trigger the callback every time
ms and in the end of the timer run
stop all ticks notifications
return the progress of the timer between 0-1