
Simple and optimized CSS loaders in Elm.

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT


elm-loading provides beautiful loaders animated in elm-css for your elm application. ✌

Loaders example


  elm install perzanko/elm-loading

How to use

Loading.render takes 3 arguments: LoaderType, Config, LoadingState.

The loaders will be rendered according on the LoadingState. If you pass Loading.On loader will be displayed, if Loading.Off loader will be hidden (will not be hidden by css, only node will be removed).

import Loading
      ( LoaderType(..)
      , defaultConfig
      , render


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div [ ]
        [ Loading.render
            DoubleBounce -- LoaderType
            { defaultConfig | color = "#333" } -- Config
            Loading.On -- LoadingState

Available loaders

You can choose one of these loaders below.

type LoaderType
    = DoubleBounce
    | Spinner
    | BouncingBalls
    | Bars
    | Circle
    | Sonar


Loaders could be easliy configured. Only you should do is to extend the Loading.defaultConfig when calling Loading.render

{ defaultConfig | color = "#333" }

Config model

type alias Config =
  { size : Float
  , color : String
  , className : String
  , speed : Float

The default config:

defaultConfig : Config
defaultConfig =
    { size = 30
    , color = "#74b4c9"
    , className = ""
    , speed = 1

css spinner, css loading, css animation loading