
Starter project for a Vert.x implementation of the Conduit backend https://github.com/gothinkster/realworld

Primary LanguageJava

Vert.x Thinkster.io Realworld (Conduit) Starter


  • Apache Maven

  • JDK 8+

Getting started

Create your project with:

git clone https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-maven-starter.git PROJECT_NAME

Replace PROJECT_NAME with the name of your project.

On Linux and MacOSx (or Windows with bash), if you want to go faster and generate an already configured project run:

curl http://vertx.io/assets/starter-scripts/create-vertx-project-maven.sh -o vertx-create-maven-project.sh; bash vertx-create-maven-project.sh

Running the project

Once you have retrieved the project, you can check that everything works with:

mvn test exec:java

The command compiles the project and runs the tests, then it launches the application, so you can check by yourself. Open your browser to http://localhost:8080. You should see a Hello World message.

Anatomy of the project

The project contains:

  • a pom.xml file

  • a main verticle file (src/main/java/io/vertx/starter/MainVerticle.java)

  • an unit test (src/main/test/io/vertx/starter/MainVerticleTest.java)

Start to hack

  1. Delete the .git directory

  2. Open the pom.xml file and customize the groupId, artifactId and version. You can also change the main.verticle property to use your own package name and verticle class.

  3. Run redeploy.sh (or redeploy.bat on Windows) and the project recompiles while editing.

the redeploy script are also configurable

Building the project

To build the project, just use:

mvn clean package

It generates a fat-jar in the target directory.