
Just some programming websites that I've found to be helpful

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Some useful websites I've gathered as I hone my programming skills.

Awesome Python Code

  • Github Trending Python : Trending Python Repositories on Github. This is a great place to see all the interesting projects people across the world are working on with python. This is also a great way to start reading great code.
  • R/Python: Python related news as well as code examples from other python programmers. In general contains great conversations from the Python community!
  • Python 3 Module of the Week: Demonstrations of how to use modules of the standard python 3 library
  • Practical Business Python: Python Scripts for business, also my starting point for plotting data with python
  • Python Programming: Best place for all your python questions
  • Best Python Libraries: Ranking the top 20 Python libraries

Learning Python

Python Meetups

  • Learn Python NYC: Great place to get face to face python help. Each time I go I feel like I'm able to level up my python skills.

Python for Finance

Introduction to Machine Learning

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