- This repo (forked from https://github.com/baranbartu/microservices-with-fastapi) is composed of a bunch of small microservices.
- Original number of microservices were two, I added suppliers as the third one. Now we have 4 including the gateway.
- Requirements in the original repo was updated.
- Only gateway can access internal microservices through the internal network (users, orders, suppliers)
- For more details please visit my Medium stories.
- Part I --> https://medium.com/@emrah-t/building-microservices-with-fastapi-part-i-introduction-to-the-fastapi-framework-a7488cdbea
- Part II --> https://medium.com/@emrah-t/building-microservices-with-fastapi-part-ii-a-microservice-application-with-fastapi-c190d57922ba
- check ./gateway/.env => 3 services url are defined
- docker-compose up --build
- visit => http://localhost:8001/docs
- There are already created 2 users in users db
- get api token with admin user
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{"username":"admin","password":"a"}' \ http://localhost:8001/api/login
- You'll see something similar to below
- use this token to make administrative level requests
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ***" \ --request GET \ http://localhost:8001/api/users
- Similar trials can be also done with default user to create & view orders