
My zsh config

Primary LanguageShell

My zsh setup

This is mostly in git for my benefit, but you're welcome to use it.

screenshot of terminal

(Pictured: CWD fade in, exa's git listing, fzf being used to pick a file to open with vim. Includes my tmux status bar, which is nothing to do with zsh.)


Non-exhaustive list:

  • Minimal prompt; everything on one line unless terminal is narrow, then prompt line moves under CWD
  • Long paths in the prompt fade in to draw the eye
  • Username and hostname only appear on remote sessions; hostname is coloured by host automatically
  • Information about shell state appears on RHS, with slow items populated async to avoid slowing down prompt appearance
    • last command exit status
    • git branch and repo status
    • AWS profile and region in environment
    • Python virtualenv
    • if valid Kerberos ticket is held*
    • if VPN is connected*
  • Sets terminal title to process/cwd (via plugin)
  • Lots of fzf
  • Lots of completions (via plugin)
  • Syntax highlighting at prompt (via plugin)
  • Sensible settings (IMO ;)
  • Fast startup (makes use of recompilation and caching)
  • Shows unattached tmux sessions at login, as I use tmux for everything
  • Show time output for commands which took >10s to run

(* these items will need you to hack up some stuff to work for your particular set up)

You will need (for best results):

  • zsh, probably a recent one like >= 5.2 or 5.3
  • a modern terminal which can do things like 256 colours (or true colours)
  • one of the Nerd fonts as this uses glyphs from that
  • zplugin, which installs and manages some plugins. This should work without though.

You probably want:

On macOS you can install all of those with homebrew.


  • clone this repo to ~/.zsh: git clone https://github.com/jamesoff/zsh.git ~/.zsh
  • link files: for i in .zshrc .zprofile .zshenv; do ln -s "~/$i" "~/.zsh/$i"; done
  • install zplugin: mkdir -p ~/.zplugin && git clone https://github.com/zdharma/zplugin.git ~/.zplugin/bin
  • when you run zsh for the first time, zplugin will download and install the plugins required


This is a non-exhaustive list of things you can use/do with this config

  • Hit Ctrl-T for fzf filename insertion
  • Hit Ctrl-R for fzf history search
  • Hit Alt-D for fzf list of recent directories (in session)
  • Type ecd for fzf list of directories you use a bunch (takes filter param)
  • Type gita for fzf git add; use filtering and arrow keys to select files, hit Tab to mark file for git staging; hit Enter to exit and stage
  • Type lg for exa's git list mode; other ls variants are aliased to exa too
  • Hit ^X^G while composing a git commit -m ... line to switch to editing the commit message in vim (WIP)
  • Type run-docker ID to get a bash shell in running container ID
  • Type tidy-docker to purge exited containers and untagged images

See also

You might like my tmux config and vim config to go with this.