- 0
Replace nose with nose2 or pyetest
#54 opened by peshay - 4
tradingpair xrpeur
#56 opened by marionet - 2
Implement v4 API functions for Deposit
#52 opened by peshay - 2
Implement v4 API functions for Withdrawal
#51 opened by peshay - 2
Existing security issues
#40 opened by guardrails - 7
upgrade to api version 4
#47 opened by flynk-zz - 0
make it possible to throw API errors
#43 opened by MarcelBeining - 0
- 0
Implement v4 API usage of websocket-API
#50 opened by peshay - 3
unable to buy and sell something
#48 opened by flynk-zz - 1
Invalid signature
#44 opened by userqhl - 8
showAccountLedger: Date arguments don't work
#32 opened by js931 - 1
Invalid STATES check
#36 opened by MarcelBeining - 0
Verified values as defined in API
#21 opened by peshay - 2
showMyTrades returns nothing
#31 opened by js931 - 3
Please help me to understand the **args
#34 opened by dr-apple - 2
Add tests for float vs decimal
#19 opened by peshay - 3
disable debug logging
#29 opened by booo - 2
Problem with executeTrade
#28 opened by frankiminternet - 5
- 1
Documentation link is broken
#24 opened by pmatos - 0
- 0
Add maintenance handling
#20 opened by peshay - 1
- 1
- 0
add logging
#13 opened by peshay - 1
Executing a trade (buy) fails
#11 opened by AndreasEisele - 3
- 1
- 2
- 1
Nonce must be of type string!
#4 opened by dancodery