Civinfo wiki diged and visualized

update:docker-compose: bitnami based, x86

medawiki_data has to have 1001:1001

mariadb_data has to have 1001:1001

they are tarred to preserve permission and make easier to just download

prepopulated from civinfodump.xml

prepopulated with imported images from

if exposed on the default ports, interesting links are:

update: civinfo-wiki.yaml podman rootless (and arm:) ) friendly

mediwiki and mariadb containers from their official images

mediawiki permission has to be 33:33

mariadb permission has to be 999:999

in LocalSettings.php (mediwiki volume) wgDBServer has to be changed accrodingly, e.g $wgDBserver = "";

If mediawiki and maridb are deployed in a rootless podman pod

podman play kube ./civinfo-wiki.yaml will bring up working instance

optional: mysql database version can be upgarded

optional: mediawiki schema version can be upgraded (update.php inside the maintenance folder)