
Monitor Cisco device QoS ( classname ) within Zabbix

Primary LanguagePHP

Monitor Cisco device QoS ( classname ) within Zabbix

Version: Initial, which works (at least for me:)

Abstract (Overview): Discover the relevant counters (SNMP oids suffixes) via external check (classmap.php) Add the pairs QoS Interface / classname counters as items.

Cisco devices maintain index table, which maps QoS enabled Interface with the physical interface index. So there is a list of QoS enabled Interface with their indexes.

There is also table, which contain numeric index of the defined classnames.

There is another table, which provide "counter/classname" index For every QoS enabled interface and classname numeric index.

Finaly snmpget can be used against "SNMPCounter"."QoS Interface index"."counter/classname"

Here is an example:

interface description (device name) <-> interface index (e.g .
IF-MIB::ifDescr.7 = STRING: GigabitEthernet0/1.711 ) e.g. gi 0/1.711 is .7

qos index for the interface <-> interface index (e.g .
CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB::cbQosIfIndex.114 = INTEGER: 7 ) e.g .114 is the qos index for interface index .7 ... gi 0/1/.711

CMName index <-> name (e.g . CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB::cbQosCMName.3463889 = STRING: voice ) e.g policy/qos voice has index .3463889

almost finaly, the index for qos interface (.114) and voice (.3463889) (e.g. . CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB::cbQosConfigIndex.114.8257777 = Gauge32: 3463889 ) e.g the counter/qos/policy index is 8257777

and finaly query specific qos.interface.index qos.counter.index... (e.g. cbQosCMPostPolicyByte64.114.8257777) in this table, the portion ".114" refers to the interface (as descibred above how to dig to the human name of the interface) and the portion ".825777" os the counter for the policy with number 3463889 (again described above how to dig to the human name via some tables)

Discovery (External check): classmap.php takes classname in interest as argument. and return the SNMP oid suffixes for that classname, per QoS enabled interface {#IFNAME_QOS} contain the interface description (if:Descr) e.g. the device name of the interface {#QOSCN_OIDSUFFIX} contain the coresponding (for the interface and classname) SNMP oid suffix to append at the counters base oid.

Template: zbx_template_cisco-classname-qos.xml is template, which use classmap.php as "External script" disovery rule and add snmp itemprototypes. This template is "hardcoded" for "voice" classname

Credits: Hard to find summarized information: https://sys4.de/en/blog/2013/02/07/monitoring-qos-cisco-routers/


Tim Koopman
