
Uses AT&T speech to text API and Stanford CoreNLP to detect sentiment in the result text

#####Based on these examples: http://rahular.com/twitter-sentiment-analysis/ https://github.com/attdevsupport/ATT_APIPlatform_SampleApps/tree/master/RESTFul/Speech/Java/app1

######You will need to create an AT&T developer account ###AT&T Speech API: http://developer.att.com/apis/speech/docs

###Stanford CoreNLP: http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/corenlp.shtml

I added some speech examples under test/resources


Usa la API AT&T speech to text para convertir el audio a texto y analiza el sentimiento del resultado con las herramientas de Stanford CoreNLP

#####Está basado en estos ejemplos: http://rahular.com/twitter-sentiment-analysis/ https://github.com/attdevsupport/ATT_APIPlatform_SampleApps/tree/master/RESTFul/Speech/Java/app1

Necesitas crear una cuenta de desarrollador para AT&T ######AT&T Speech API: http://developer.att.com/apis/speech/docs

######Stanford CoreNLP: http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/corenlp.shtml

Agregué algunos audios como ejemplo en test/resources