The code is developed and compiled on Arduino IDE. Make sure you have the latest version of Arduino IDE installed.
- To get a local copy of the code, run the below command or use the link to download the zip and extract.
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory. Double click on xpod_node.ino file to open the code in Arduino IDE.
NOTE : For x-pod v3, you can either use this link to download or run the following git commands
git clone
git checkout x-pod-v3
The code uses various modules and to interface with them specific Arduino libraries are required. Install the following library packages within the Arduino IDE. If you do not know how to install a library in Arduino IDE, then follow this link.
- Adafruit ADS1X15
- Adafruit BME680
- ELT S300
- SdFat Adafruit Fork
- TinyGPSPlus
- RTClib
NOTE : For x-pod v3, add following libraries
- PM25 AQI Sensor
- MCP342x
To enable SD card functionality, following modifications are required
- Navigate to the folder where the Arduino libraries are installed. Usually this will be under Documents/Arduino/libraries on Windows OS.
- Inside this directory, open 'SdFat_-_Adafruit_Fork\src\SdFatConfig.h' file and change '#define SPI_DRIVER_SELECT 0' to '#define SPI_DRIVER_SELECT 2'
- Save and close the file.
Now you should be able to compile the code with SD card logging enabled.
Features Implemented
- Reading from BME Sensor
- Reading from FIGARO Sensor
- Reading from CO2 and CO sensor
- Serial Port logging
- SD Card logging
- Time Stamping with GPS
- Time Stamping with RTC
- PM Sensor
- Quad Stat Sensor
Features in Progress
- Syncing RTC clock with GPS
- MET station