
Python Mini HW checker for PB071

Primary LanguagePython

Python Testing Tools

  • pyminihw.py - Tool to test minihomeworks in PB071
  • ciot.py - Tool to test the Command Input/Output

Command Input Output Testing Tool (CIOT)

Tool to test the Command Input/Output.

It is a single Python script file, that can be added to path/renamed ...

$ python -m ciot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mon 05 Apr 2021 18:54:07 UTC
usage: ciot [-h] [-L LOG_LEVEL] {parse,exec} ...

Command Input Output Testing Tool (ciot) TBD

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -L LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Set log level (DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR)

    parse               Parse and print the mini hw scenario
    exec                Execute the unit file


  • Python 3.7
  • PyYaml - to parse the yml, yaml templates (optional)
  • JUnitParser - to write the JUNIT reports (optional)

Both dependencies are optional, without PyYaml you would need to use only json unit templates. Without JUnitParser you would not be able to generate the JUNIT CML Report


pip install --user junitparser
pip install --user PyYAML

wget https://github.com/pestanko/pyminihw/blob/master/ciot.py

Or clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/pestanko/pyminihw.git

Example Usage:

These examples will work from within the repository.

# Execute example scenario on /usr/bin/echo command
python ciot.py -Ldebug exec -T ciot_examples/echocat/tests -U ciot_examples/echocat/tests/unit-echo.yml -C /usr/bin/echo
# Scenario should pass

# Execute example scenario that will fail on /usr/bin/echo command
python ciot.py exec -T ciot_examples/echocat/tests -U ciot_examples/echocat/tests/unit-echo-wrong.yml -C /usr/bin/echo
# Scenario should fail

# Print out the parsed version of the unit-echo-wrong
python ciot.py parse -T ciot_examples/echocat/tests -U ciot_examples/echocat/tests/unit-echo-wrong.yml
# or you should be able to produce the whole structure as JSON
python ciot.py parse -T ciot_examples/echocat/tests -U ciot_examples/echocat/tests/unit-echo-wrong.yml -o json