Project Class Insights: Client Side

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URL Check out the running instance of app here:

Server Side Github Repo:


The Purpose of this project is to help the instructors increase their impact of teaching with better data analysis and insights with the help of feedback from students.

Feedback mechanism introduced in this application helps the instructor to point out the exact things that he/she should change. Either in his teaching style or the curriculum itself instead of trying things in an unguided way.

Data provides a good feedback to the thinking process of the instructor that helps them to make data-driven decisions.

Getting Started



  1. Apollo Client - for the interface at client with the graphql
  2. Echarts - for visualization and data representation in graphs.
  3. Material-UI/Rebass
  4. React
  5. Redux - A state container that allows other components an easy to update interface.instead of calling the parent for the data binding the state will be directly accessible to all the components.
  6. Redux-thunk : It's a middleware used to handle asynchronous actions in redux. It returns the function thus delaying
  7. Enzyme and Jest for Testing.

Team Members

Kundan Vishen Aditya Kumar Khare Monis Ahmad
Kundan Vishen Aditya Kumar Khare Monis Ahmad