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googlGoogle URL Shortener API in Ruby
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Continuous Integration¶ ↑
Basic Usage¶ ↑
Shorten a long URLurl = Googl.shorten('http://www.zigotto.com') url.short_url => "http://goo.gl/ump4S" url.long_url => "http://www.zigotto.com/" url.qr_code => "http://goo.gl/ump4S.qr" url.info => "http://goo.gl/ump4S.info"
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Expand a short URLurl = Googl.expand('http://goo.gl/ump4S') url.long_url => "http://www.zigotto.com/"
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AuthenticationThe Google URL Shortener API supports the OAuth and ClientLogin mechanisms for authenticating.
For shorten requests, each short URL for an authenticated user is unique, and thus will gather unique click statistics. In addition, it shows up on the user's dashboard at goo.gl.
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ClientLoginclient = Googl.client('user@gmail.com', 'my_valid_password') url = client.shorten('https://github.com/zigotto/googl') url.short_url => http://goo.gl/DWDfi
Go to goo.gl to see URL statistics.
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OAuthGoogle supports three flows of OAuth 2.0
The client-side flow for JavaScript applications running in a browser. (TODO)
The server-side flow for web applications with servers that can securely store persistent information.
The native application flow for desktop and mobile applications.
Today, gem googl support only server-side and native application.
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Server-side web applicationsYou'll need to register your application with Google to get a client_id and record the redirect_uri you'd like to use. See the Registering your app with Google section for details on how to register.
client = Googl::OAuth2.server("client_id", "client_secret", "redirect_uri")
Redirect your users to
After the user approves access or chooses not to, we'll redirect to the redirect_uri you passed us and append either an authorization code.
client.request_access_token(params["code"]) client.authorized? => true
Now you can get a user's history, shorten url, etc…
history = client.history history.total_items => 19 url = Googl.shorten('https://github.com/zigotto/googl') url.short_url => http://goo.gl/DWDfi
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Native applicationsYou'll need to register your application with Google to get a client_id and record the special redirect_uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob. See the Registering your app with Google section for details on how to register.
When you use this redirect_uri, instead of redirecting the user's browser to a page on your site with an authorization code, Google will display the authorization code or error response in the title of the page and a text field with instructions for the user to copy and paste it in to your application. Your application can either monitor the window title of a web-view or browser window it launches and close it once the authorization code appears or prompt the user to copy and paste the code.
client = Googl::OAuth2.native("client_id", "client_secret")
Open a browser or a webview to the OAuth dialog at
In the native app flow, after the user approves access, we'll display the authorization code in the title of the page and in a text input with instructions for the user to copy and paste the code to your application
code = "copied code" client.request_access_token(code) client.authorized? => true
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AnalyticsExpands a short URL or gets creation time and analytics
For analytics and additional information to return (using the :projection parameter)
:full returns the creation timestamp and all available analytics :analytics_clicks returns only click counts :analytics_top_strings returns only top string counts (e.g. referrers, countries, etc)
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Get Analyticsurl = Googl.expand('http://goo.gl/DWDfi', :projection => :full) url.analytics.all_time.browsers.first.label => "Chrome" url.analytics.all_time.browsers.first.count => "11"
A summary of the click analytics for the short and long URL
Analytics details for a particular window of time; counts in this object are of clicks that occurred within the most recent window of this length.
url.analytics.all_time url.analytics.month url.analytics.week url.analytics.day url.analytics.two_hours
Number of clicks on this short URL. Replace (*) for all_time, month, week, day or two_hours
Number of clicks on all goo.gl short URLs pointing to this long URL.
Top referring hosts, e.g. “www.google.com”; sorted by (descending) click counts. Only present if this data is available.
Top countries (expressed as country codes), e.g. “US” or “DE”; sorted by (descending) click counts.
Top browsers, e.g. “Chrome”; sorted by (descending) click counts.
Top platforms or OSes, e.g. “Windows”; sorted by (descending) click counts.
For details, see code.google.com/intl/pt-BR/apis/urlshortener/v1/reference.html#resource_url
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HistoryGets a user's history of shortened URLs. (Authenticated)
client = Googl.client('user@gmail.com', 'my_valid_password') history = client.history history.total_items => 19
A list of URL.
Analytics details for all items
history = client.history(:projection => :analytics_clicks)
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Installationgem install googl
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LicenseMIT License. Copyright 2011 Zigotto®. www.zigotto.com.br