
Teleport Transport: End-to-end resilience to network outages

Primary LanguageGo

Teleport tool: Backwards-compatible resilience to network outages
Written by Petar Maymounkov. Part of the Go Circuit Project.
Read the HTML version of this document at http://blog.gocircuit.org/teleport-tool

The Teleport Tool is a communication utility for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows,
distributed under the Apache License (http://www.apache.org/licenses/), written entirely in 
Go (http://golang.org), that allows you to:

* Shrink your devops workload by protecting your client/server deployments against network interruptions,
* Retrofit legacy software (or sloppily written new software) to benefit from automatic connection caching and pooling,
* Keep your interactive sessions (ssh and such) alive after you close your notebook's lid,
* Reduce the configuration complexity of your cloud applications.


When clients and servers talk it is not uncommon for the network connectivity
to disappear only to re-appear later.  In data centers, compelex network
misconfigurations or DDoS attacks inflict temporary network outages.  Mobile
devices going into tunnels lose connection to Internet servers until they are
back out.  Notebooks going to sleep shutdown all network operations for live
processes to discover at power resumption.

When such outages occur most software treats them in a heavy-handed manner,
closing out user sessions, possibly losing data, disrupting system operations
and imposing complexity on software design.  In many domains — like data
streaming or interactive terminal sessions — applications could continue
working healthily after an outage if only they did not receive the premature
network error condition, forcing them to declare failure and resort to possibly
complicated recovery-and-retry steps. For example,

* A dropped ssh session would lose accumulated state (running
processes, environment, shell history, etc.) requiring a manual replay of
interactive steps, whereas 

* A dropped Apache Kafka (http://kafka.apache.org) event stream connection would require a
heavy-handed course-grain replay of events from its on-disk log whenever the network

Much headache could be saved if application endpoints did not experience
network failures as terminal error conditions in favor of experiencing them as
prolonged read and write operations.  We set out to accomplish this state of
matter in a backwards-compatible manner, whereby pre-existing software can take
advantage without change. Furthermore, as a by-product of our design, we are
also able to equip legacy software with intelligent connection caching and


Qualitatively, intermittent network outages are no different than temporarily
slow networks.  Quantitatively, they differ in that they impose usually longer
time intervals between successful transmissions.  Since TCP can handle slow
networks, our approach is to harness its power and "amplify" it to handle
network interruptions.

The high-level idea is simple. We use a plain TCP connection to transmit data
under normal network conditions.  When this connection breaks, in response to a
network outage, we do not prompt the application layer with an error, instead
we wait to establish a new TCP connection and represent a slow/unresponsive
network to the application layer.  When connectivity is resumed, the
application layer experiences a perceived dramatic increase in network

We trade errors for time.

This simple mechanism is trickier to accomplish than is apparent on the
surface. When TCP connections (or any other reliable connections, for that
matter) are dropped, there is no guarantee that the last few writes have been
trasmitted through reliably before the connection error was reported. To remedy
this, we incorporated a light-weight protocol that, transparently to the
application, guarantees exactly-once delivery (basically proper semantics) of
every single byte written to the connections at the application level.

How it works

The Teleport Tool ships as a single command-line utility tele which executes in
either client or server mode.  Its operating diagram is illustrated below.

                                     client input address
        +---------------+                  | +-------------+
        | USER's CLIENT +---- localhost -->• | TELE CLIENT +-----+
        +---------------+                    +-------------+     |
       CLIENT-SIDE                                               |
  ·····················································  UNRELIABLE NETWORK  ·····
       SERVER-SIDE                                               |
        +---------------+                    +-------------+     |
        | USER's SERVER | •<-- localhost ----+ TELE SERVER | •<--+
        +---------------+ |                  +-------------+ |
                          |                                  |
      	          server input address       server+client output address

On the server side, the user deploys the TCP server software as usual, depicted
as the "USER's SERVER" box.  For instance, this could be an sshd server,
listening on port 22. The TCP address (with port) of the user's TCP server is
dubbed the server input address.

Alongside with the user's TCP server (i.e. on the same host) one deploys the
Teleport Tool in server mode, or teleport server for short.  The job of the
teleport server is to accept outside incoming connections — that are resilient
to network outages — from a peering "teleport client" and proxy them to the
user's TCP server. The teleport server listens for outside connections on what
we call the server output address. To launch the teleport server, one invokes:


On the connecting host, one launches the Teleport Tool in client mode, or
teleport client. The teleport client accepts TCP connections from user's
clients, running on the same host, and forwards them — in a network outage
resilient manner — across the unreliable outside network to the teleport
server, which in turn forwards them to the user's TCP server. Incoming user TCP
connections are received on the client input address and the remote teleport
server is expected to be found at the client output address. So, in fact, the
client and server output addresses should equal. The teleport client is invoked


The user's TCP server and clients can be recycled without restarting the teleport server and client.

The teleport server and client can be restarted while the user's TCP server and
clients are live.  This will result in interruption of current client-server
connections, as the Teleport Tool does not prevent against endpoint failures
(only network failures), but new connections will proceed normally.

Examples and use cases

Surviving ssh sessions during power suspension, in user mode

It is not uncommon that if you are an engineer you regularly log into a remote
datacenter host via ssh from your notebook computer.  Every time you suspend
your notebook or your notebook switches from one WiFi network to another, your
live ssh sessions are terminated and all state is lost.

You can now entirely avoid this by tunneling your ssh traffic through the
Teleport Tool. What's more, you don't have to have root privileges on the
remote datacenter machine. Simply start the teleport server with user
credentials and pick a sufficiently high port to bind it to:

% tele -server -in=:22 -out=:40300

On your notebook, start your teleport client only once (usually on startup):

% tele -client -in=:22999 -out=host9.datacenter.net:40300

And try it:

% ssh -p 22999 localhost

Reducing cloud applications configuration complexity

In large datacenters, one often encounters complicated tools for updating the
configurations of deployed cloud services. These tools are often used to update
endpoint addresses, hardcoded in configuration files of different services.

One source of complexity there is the need to deal with a myriad different
types of configuration files, belonging to unrelated software packages.  When
deploying network services in conjunction with the Teleport Tool, one is able
to avoid reconfiguration complexity by configuring all services against the
unchanging localhost addresses of teleport clients.

Download, build and install

Proceed as follows:

(1) Install the latest release of the >Go Language compiler (http://golang.org),
(2) Fetch, build and install the Teleport Tool by typing in:

% go get github.com/petar/GoTeleport/tele
% go install github.com/petar/GoTeleport/tele/cmd/tele

(3) Run tele to get the help screen and verify the installation was successful.

Contributing and fineprint

The Teleport Tool and the communication technology behind it — Teleport
Transport, to be described in another article — are part of the Go Circuit
Project (http://gocircuit.org).

To facilitate adoption and contribution to the Teleport Tool, I am maintaining
a mirror of its source tree (which originates within the source of the Go
Circuit, https://code.google.com/p/gocircuit) on GitHub, at GitHub,
https://github.com/petar/GoTeleport, where pull requests will be accepted.

Contributions of significant new features or interfaces should first be
discussed on the gocircuit-dev discussion group, found at

For news and updates, tune into to Twitter @gocircuit or subscribe to the RSS
feed of The Go Circuit Blog, at http://blog.gocircuit.org/feed.atom