Links two Telegram groups and relays messages between the two as if one single group. Will display user name and group name in the message.
- Node.js
- Telegram bot from @BotFather
- Download all files
- Extract to preferred hosting folder
- Launch Telegram and start a conversation with @BotFather
- Create a new bot by following the instructions and copy the API key
- Visit the folder you extracted the bot files to and open index.js
- Locate the line containing "const token = 'YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE';"
- Replace 'YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE' with your Bot API token like const token = 'abcdef-123456abcdef'
- Open Command Prompt, or other command interface you might have and navigate to the bot folder
- Type node index.js and press enter
- Your bot is now running
- Add the bot you created to the two groups you want to link
- Check the next section to display command preview
- Go to the @BotFather
- Type /mybots
- Select your Group Bridge bot
- Click Edit Bot
- Click Edit Commands
- Input the list below as one message and hit enter:
help - Display information on how to use this bot.
ca - Connect message feed from Group 1 to Socket A.
cas - Check which group Socket A is connected to.
cb - Connect message feed from Group 2 to Socket B.
cbs - Check which group Socket B is connected to.
sr - Start message relay between plugged Channels A & B
cr - Cut message relay between plugged Channels A & B
rs - Check if the relay is on or off
/help - Display information on how to use this bot.
/ca - Connect message feed from Group 1 to Socket A.
/cas - Check which group Socket A is connected to.
/cb - Connect message feed from Group 2 to Socket B.
/cbs - Check which group Socket B is connected to.
/sr - Start message relay between plugged Channels A & B
/cr - Cut message relay between plugged Channels A & B
/rs - Check if the relay is on or off