
1、 Android studio 中引用

在工程目录 build.gradle 文件中添加如下内容:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    maven {
                url ""
        maven { 
                url "" 

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
        maven { url "" }

在引用模块下的build.gradle (minSdkVersion >=15)

android {
    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'
        exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'
    dependencies {
        compile 'io.petchat:senzsdk:2.0.17'
        compile 'com.wilddog:wilddog-client-android:0.5.1+'
            compile 'com.github.zishell:MotionClassifyLib:v1.0.5'


2.1 初始化

在MainActivity 的 onCreate()中(必须在UI主线程中调用),调用:

//please register on senz server to get your own appId


2.2 Senz核心api接口

####2.2.1 用户属性UserInfo类 该类主要用于分析用户的属性,如:年龄、性别、消费能力、社会属性等。


    UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(this);
        userInfo.getUserInfo(new SenzCallback() {
            public void done(Exception e, Object object) {
                if (e == null) {
                    HashMap<String, Object> map = (HashMap<String, Object>) object;
                } else {

#####hashMap数据格式说明 UserInfo 包含用户属性和用户喜好, 用户属性:

    "age": [
    "has_pet": [
    "has_car": [
    "occupation": [
    "pregnant": [
    "field": [
    "marriage": [
    "consumption": [
    "gender": [


    "sport": [
    "sports_news": [
    "variety_show": [
    "tvseries_show": [
    "study": [
    "social": [
    "offline_shoppng": [
    "indoorsman": [
    "gamer": [
    "sports_show": [
    "online_shopping": [
    "current_news": [
    "business_news": [
    "game_news": [
    "health": [
    "game_show": [
    "acg": [
    "tech_news": [
    "entertainment_news": [


if (map.containsKey("consumption")) {
        HashMap<String, Double> consumption = (HashMap<String, Double>) map.get("consumption");

返回一个HashMap<String, Double>:

10000to20000 : 0.24214
20000up : 0.15570
5000down : 0.15272
5000to10000 : 0.13414


####2.2.2 用户的情境识别 context(deprecated)


    UserContext userContext = new UserContext(this);
       userContext.getUserContext(new SenzCallback() {
           public void done(Exception e, Object object) {
               if (e == null) {
                   SenzContext senzContext = (SenzContext) object;
               } else {

#####数据格式说明 SenzContext类:

public class SenzContext {
    public HashMap<String, Double> poiProbLv1;
    public HashMap<String, Double> poiProbLv2;
    public HashMap<String, Double> motionProb;
    public HashMap<String, Double> sceneProb;
    public String locationUpdatedAt;
    public String motionUpdatedAt;
    public String sceneUpdatedAt;

poiProbLv1 和 poiProbLv2 为用户location的情境识别, sceneProb 为用户的所处场景识别, motionProb 为 用户的动作情境识别。 属性保存在了key中,对应的值保存在了value中, 键值不是固定的,请使用者自行遍历相应的map。

####2.2.3 用户事件识别 event event指用户发生的事件,如某个时间段,用户在看电影或者逛商场。 event所包含的所有事件类型:

0. 在家: contextAtHome
1. 上班路上: contextCommutingWork
2. 在公司: contextAtWork
3. 回家路上: contextCommutingHome
4. 商圈工作中: contextWorkingInCBD
5. 学校上课中: contextStudyingInSchool {mapping to contextAtSchool.png}
6. 学校工作中: contextWorkingInSchool {mapping to contextAtSchool.png}
7. 户外锻炼: contextOutdoorExercise
8. 室内锻炼 contextIndoorExercise
9. 在餐厅吃饭: contextDinningOut
10. 旅游: contextTravelling
11. 出行: contextGoingOut
12. 聚会: contextInParty
13. 逛街: contextWindowShopping 
14. 看电影: contextAtCinema
15. 展览会: contextAtExhibition
16. 演唱会: contextAtPopsConcert
17. 戏剧: contextAtTheatre
18. 音乐会: contextAtClassicsConcert
19. 在家休息:contextRelaxing


action: senz.intent.action.EVENT


       BroadcastReceiver eventReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
       public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
           if ("senz.intent.action.EVENT".equals(intent.getAction())) {
               Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
               Serializable data = bundle.getSerializable("event");
               SenzEvent event = (SenzEvent) data;

#####数据格式说明 SenzEvent 类:

public class SenzEvent implements Serializable {
   public long timestamp;     //更新时间
   public String eventType;   //event类型
   public double probability;  //可信度

####2.2.4 用户的 home 和 office 的识别和监听 senz可以自动的识别用户的家庭和工作地点,也可以检测出用户离开、进入家或者公司。 检测出这些变化时,senz会发出相应的广播。


action: senz.intent.action.HOME_OFFICE_STATUS


       BroadcastReceiver statusReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
       public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
           if ("senz.intent.action.HOME_OFFICE_STATUS".equals(intent.getAction())) {
               Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
               Serializable data = bundle.getSerializable("home_office_status");
               SenzOHStatus status = (SenzOHStatus) data;

#####数据格式说明 SenzOHStatus 类:

public class SenzOHStatus implements Serializable {
   public long updateTime;   //更新时间
   public String stautsType;  //状态类型
   public double probability;  //可信度

####2.2.5 用户 motion 的识别和 motion 改变的监听

senz可以识别出用户当前的动作,如 坐、跑步、走路等。当检测到用户的动作发生改变时 senz会发出相应的广播。


action: senz.intent.action.MOTION_CHANGED


       BroadcastReceiver motionReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
       public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
           if ("senz.intent.action.MOTION_CHANGED".equals(intent.getAction())) {
               Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
               Serializable data = bundle.getSerializable("motion_changed");
               SenzMotion motion = (SenzMotion) data;

#####数据格式说明 SenzMotion 类:

public class SenzMotion implements Serializable {
   public String motionType;   //motion类型
   public double probability;   //可信度
   public long timestamp;      //更新时间
     * 如果手机没有磁场传感器,可以只用加速传感器
     * @param accRawData 加速传感器数据
     * @return
 public HashMap<String, Double> getDetectMotions(final double[][] accRawData){};
     * 运用加速传感器和磁场数据提供更准确的预测结果
     * @param accRawData 加速传感器三轴数据
     * @param magRawData 磁场三轴数据
     * @return
 public HashMap<String, Double> getDetectedMotions(final double[][] accRawData, final double[][] magRawData){};
     * TRUE:正在看手机
     * @param accRawData 加速传感器三轴数据
     * @return
 public boolean isWatchPhone(final double[][] accRawData){};
 DetectMotion detectMotion = new DetectMotion(context);
 HashMap<String, Double> result = detectMotion.getDetectedMotions(accRawData, magRawData);
 boolean isWatchPhone = result.get("isWatchPhone") == 1.0 ? true : false;
 motionType = (int)result.get("motionType");

##2.3 设置监听的另一种方法


<receiver android:name=".YourBroadcastReceiverClassNameHere">
        <action android:name="senz.intent.action.HOME_OFFICE_STATUS"/>
        <action android:name="senz.intent.action.MOTION_CHANGED"/>
        <action android:name="senz.intent.action.EVENT"/>

编写自己的类,继承自 BroadcastReceiver,监听相应的action,并从intent中提取相应的值。 三种事件的值,通过序列化后的键分别为:"motion_changed", "event", "home_office_status"。 请参考下面的例子:

public class YourReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        if ("senz.intent.action.MOTION_CHANGED".equals(intent.getAction())) {
                Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
                Serializable data = bundle.getSerializable("motion_changed");
                SenzMotion motion = (SenzMotion) data;