
Raspberry Pi Specific flakes for NixOS

MIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains NixOS Flakes to build system images for the Raspberry Pi.

The repo is organized into branches based on the target model Pi and the build platform. Currently it contains custom configs for the Pi Zero 2 W.

Getting Started with Nix

These flakes can be built with the Nix package manager and do not require a full NixOS system installation. Follow these instrutions to download and install the Nix package manager for your system. I have only tested these builds on Debian 11, Ubuntu 22.04, and NixOS 23.11 so far, but they should theoretically work on any x86_64-linux compatible system running the Nix package manager.

Once you have the package manager installed, add the following line to ~/.config/nix/nix.conf or /etc/nix/nix.conf , if neither file exists, then create one, and add:

experimental-features = nix-command flakes

You will need to restart your shell or terminal session for it to take effect.