
simple webserver generating random links

Primary LanguageGo


Simple web server generating random links. The aim of this project is to keep bots/web crawlers occupied within 'blackhole'. Project can be run as docker image either built locally or downloaded from dockeruhb.

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 pete911/blackhole

local build and run

  • go make build && ./blackhole (go required)
  • docker - docker build -t blackhole . && docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name blackhole blackhole (docker required)

creates local server on port 8080, let bots/crawlers/spiders run against it.

optional flags

  -max-link-depth int
        max. link depth (number of path segments) (default 10)
  -max-links int
        max. number of links to generate (default 50)
  -min-link-depth int
        min. link depth (number of path segments) (default 1)
  -min-links int
        min. number of links to generate (default 10)
  -port int
        blackhole server port (default 8080)
  -profile-port int
        blackhole pprofile server port, 0 means pprof server is disabled (default 0)

Each option can be by env. variable as well. Env. variables have the same name as flags but are in uppercase, prefixed with BH_ and hyphens are replaced with underscores. e.g. flag -max-links can be set with BH_MAX_LINKS env. variable.