
fully automated vault authentication backend for kubernetes service accounts

Primary LanguageGo

Build Status


Project enables vault kubernetes auth method at auth/kubernetes/<mount/path> location in vault. Mount path can be <environmnet>/<cluster> e,g, staging/backend or just <cluster> (update vault role accordingly in requirements section). vault roles per namespace, with policies configured in configmap vault-auth-roles in vault-auth namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: vault-auth-roles
  namespace: vault-auth
    app: vault-auth-kubernetes
  default: |-
      "bound_service_account_names": ["vault-agent-injector", "default"],
      "bound_service_account_namespaces": ["kube-system", "default"],
      "token_policies": ["test"]
  test: |-
      "bound_service_account_names": ["vault-agent-injector"],
      "bound_service_account_namespaces": ["kube-system"],
      "token_policies": ["test", "default"]

Where data key is the name of the vault role to be created and value us json representation of vault role

Service account token-reviewer to review tokens (authenticate) is created in vault-auth namespace with vault-auth-token-reviewer cluster role binding (bound to system:auth-delegator role). Service account vault-agent-injector is then created for every namespace defined in the configmap.

vault-agent-injector service account maps to vault role and enables kube auth login.


Vault needs to be already configured with policy that allows vault-auth-kubernetes to create/update/delete auth mount and roles. This is an example of the policy if your mount path contains 2 parts (e.g. environment/cluster-name), otherwise replace /+/+ with number of parts in your mount:

path "sys/auth" {
  capabilities = ["list", "read"]
path "sys/auth/kubernetes/+/+" {
  capabilities = ["list", "read", "create", "update", "delete", "sudo"]
path "auth/kubernetes/+/+/config" {
  capabilities = ["list", "read", "create", "update", "sudo"]
path "auth/kubernetes/+/+/role/+" {
  capabilities = ["list", "read", "create", "update", "delete"]

It is also expected to have vault approle auth method enabled and approle created with the above policy, so we can get role-id and generate role-secret-id. It is expected to have secret with the role id and secret id named vault-auth-kubernetes in the release namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: vault-auth-kubernetes
  namespace: <release-namespace>
  VAK_VAULT_ROLE_ID: <base64-encoded-role-id>
  VAK_VAULT_SECRET_ID: <base64-encoded-secret-id>


+-------------+             +-------------+             +-------------+
|     VAK     |             |    vault    |             |  kube-api   |
+-------------+             +-------------+             +-------------+
       |                           |                           |
      +-+-----------|create reviewer svc. account|----------->+-+
      | |                          |                          | |
      +-+                          |                          +-+
       |                           |                           |
      +-+--------|get reviewer svc. account jwt token|------->+-+
      | |                          |                          | |
      +-+                          |                          +-+
       |                           |                           |
      +-+---|mount kube auth|---->+-+                          |
      | |                         | |                          |
      +-+                         +-+                          |
       |                           |                           |
      +-+---|setup kube auth|---->+-+                          |
      | |                         | |                          |
      +-+                         +-+                          |
       |                           |                           |
      +-+----|get config map (vault auth kubernetes role)|--->+-+
      | |                          |                          | |
      +-+                          |                          +-+
       |                           |                           |
      +-+------------|create/delete svc. accounts|----------->+-+
      | |                          |                          | |
      +-+                          |                          +-+
       |                           |                           |
      +-+-|create/delete roles|-->+-+                          |
      | |                         | |                          |
      +-+                         +-+                          |

build and run

It is recommended to use helm chart, that uses released image from dockerhub, but for testing purposes, project can be run locally - make build and:

./vault-auth-kubernetes \
--vault-host <host> \
--vault-mount <vault-mount>\
--vault-role-id <role-id> \
--vault-secret-id <secret-id>

If kubeconfig flag is not supplied, it is assumed application runs from within the cluster and service account token and ca files are used from /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token and /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt files.

Environment variables can be used instead of flags as well:

flag                    env. var.           description
-kubeconfig             KUBECONFIG          path to kubeconfig file, or empty for in-cluster kubeconfig
-vault-host             VAK_VAULT_HOST      vault host
-vault-kube-host        VAK_VAULT_KUBE_HOST kubernetes API that can be reached from vault, defaults to host from kubeconfig
-vault-mount            VAK_VAULT_MOUNT     vault kubernetes mount e.g cluster-name, or environment/cluster-name
-vault-role-id          VAK_VAULT_ROLE_ID   vault role id
-vault-secret-id        VAK_VAULT_SECRET_ID vault secret id


  • make test - requires go and helm installed
  • make integration-test - requires minikube
  • make e2e-test - end to end test, requires minikube