
TSL Nigeria streaming platform API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to TSL Nigeria API.

The API has a couple of endpoints that gives you access to the database. The base URL allows you to make requests along side sub-endpoints or paths.

Base URL


Note that every endpoint must have an ending slash. This shows that it is an absolute URL. With the base URL above, requests can be made to various endpoints.

Requests and Responses

This API gives you access to create and authenticate users, add and remove videos, categories, like videos, add videos to favourites, list and display videos and categories, user profiles and details, et cetera.

GET - /profiles/

The fields existing for uploading a profile are username, first_name, last_name, profile_photo, bio, country, gender and phone_number. None of these fields are required. It is advisable to only make queries with user_id, not modify it. You can query the user profile via the user_id if your intention is to get the user's profile details. user_details is automatically generated from the user object. This is because a Profile object is created alongside a User object by default. Hence, the user_id and profile_id are the same. Do not send a POST request to the profile object. POST request is not permitted. You can only send a POST request to the user, i.e. WHEN YOUR INTENTION IS TO CREATE A USER. Use a PUT request instead. A PUT request is ideal for updating the user profile.

This means that you can use the user_id or profile_id interchangeably. We do this to ensure that every user instance is connected to a Profile object. You can make your queries with the endpoints below: For list view:


The above request will fetch you all the user profiles in the database.

PUT, GET, DELETE - /profiles/:id/

For detail view:


Request via PUT

You can choose to modify any of the following via a PUT request.

  "username": "",
  "first_name": "",
  "last_name": "",
  "profile_photo": "/path/to/media/file",
  "bio": "",
  "country": "",
  "gender": "",
  "phone_number": ""

Note that every PUT request made gives you back the same object. If you wish to give back a custom reponse to your user. You can make use of your status_code attribute. Every successfully request has a status code of 200.

Response via GET

  "user_details": {
    "id": 1,
    "email": "peter@gmail.com",
    "is_superuser": true,
    "is_active": true,
    "date_joined": "2023-01-22T02:53:33.065144Z"
  "username": "",
  "first_name": "",
  "last_name": "",
  "profile_photo": null,
  "bio": "",
  "favourite_videos": [],
  "country": "",
  "gender": "",
  "phone_number": ""

GET, POST - /videos/

The video object can be queried via a GET request using the endpoints below the endpoint below:


The above gives you the array (or list) of videos and their respected a respective id, title, thumbnail, author, category,likes, date_uploaded, last_modified, etc. A typical response from a GET request is as follows:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Be my Val",
  "mobile_thumbnail": "https://res.cloudinary.com/daf9tr3lf/image/upload/v1/media/thumbnail/7F8503DA-D9A0-423A-BFC1-96635A16DF5C_c5jybf",
  "desktop_thumbnail": "https://res.cloudinary.com/daf9tr3lf/image/upload/v1/media/thumbnail/7F8503DA-D9A0-423A-BFC1-96635A16DF5C_gmdmbm",
  "mobile_banner": "https://res.cloudinary.com/daf9tr3lf/image/upload/v1/media/banner/7F8503DA-D9A0-423A-BFC1-96635A16DF5C_izgfdl",
  "desktop_banner": "https://res.cloudinary.com/daf9tr3lf/image/upload/v1/media/banner/7F8503DA-D9A0-423A-BFC1-96635A16DF5C_rhdklw",
  "description": "This is the season of love",
  "video_link": "http://youtube.com",
  "_category": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Hot Stuff"
  "likes": 0,
  "actors": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Matilda",
      "bio": "",
      "image": "https://res.cloudinary.com/daf9tr3lf/image/upload/v1/media/profile/actors/7F8503DA-D9A0-423A-BFC1-96635A16DF5C_i89gws"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Jennifer",
      "bio": "",
      "image": "https://res.cloudinary.com/daf9tr3lf/image/upload/v1/media/profile/actors/7F8503DA-D9A0-423A-BFC1-96635A16DF5C_hkcmqo"
  "playlist": 1,
  "rating": "18+",
  "mood": ["Lovely", "Happy"],
  "genres": ["Classic", "Sci Fy"],
  "publish": false,
  "date_uploaded": "2023-02-01T10:34:36.327152Z",
  "last_modified": "2023-02-01T10:34:36.327196Z"

When sending a POST request to a upload a video file, it is mandatory to use a form data instance. Since images are also uploaded via a POST request, the Content-Type header must be multipart/form-data as opposed to application/json. A typical POST request can be sent in the following format:


How to Implement User Feedback Functionality

The goal of every commercial application is to serve and satisfy users. How we know our users are satisfied with our content is when they give us feedback on how our app benefits them. The most common, viable and effective way to get users' feedback is when they like our video posts or add a few of them to their list of favourites.

POST /videos/:id/likes/

Here, you are only required to send the user_id as follows:

  "user_id": "1"

Yes, it is that simple! Sending a simple POST request with the above json body will do. How we are able to determine which video was liked is in the url. The :id parameter is a number that represents the video_id. By specifying a numerical value in the url helps identify the video a particular user likes. If the user_id and the video_id exists, the state of the user's like instance changes. Either of the following responses are gotten from our API depending on the state of the user's like instance.

  "detail": "peter@gmail.com liked NameOfVideo"
# or
  "detail": "peter@gmail.com unliked NameOfVideo"

If, on the other hand, a video or a user with the specified ids do not exist, an invalid video and user id response is sent back.

  "details": "Invalid video_id and user_id"

A video can also be added to users' favourites using the same convention.

POST /videos/:id/favourites/

Here, the users can add videos to their list of favourites. Such videos would be seen in their profile, although the client side can use this however way they wish. The only difference that exists between adding to favourites and liking a particular video is that profile_id is used in this case instead of the user_id. The video to be added to a given list is represented by the id parameter in the url. The expected request can be send via a profile_id.

  "profile_id": "1"

The following responses are gotten from our API depending on the state of the user's addition to their list of favourites:

  "detail": "dan@gmail.com added NameOfVideo to list"
// or
  "detail": "dan@gmail.com removed NameOfVideo from list"

Other Important Endpoints

POST, GET /actors/

Expected Request Body:

  "bio": "string",

Expected Response Body:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Matilda",
    "bio": "I am Matilda. And you?",
    "image": null,
    "_videos": []

The _videos attribute is not modifiable, meaning you cannot change its content. The _video attribute is a list of videos acted by the specified actor.

Note that when sending a POST request to a upload an image or video file, it is mandatory to use a form data instance. Since images are also uploaded via a POST request, the Content-Type header must be multipart/form-data as opposed to application/json.

GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE /actors/:id/

You can perform the above http method operations to an individual Actor instance given the actor id specified in the endpoint or url.

    "bio": "string",

POST, GET /directors/

Expected Request Body:

  "bio": "string",

Expected Response Body:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Mr. James",
    "bio": "I am James.",
    "image": null,
    "_videos": []

The _videos attribute is not modifiable, meaning you cannot change its content. The _video is a list of videos directed by the specified director.

Note that when sending a POST request to a upload an image or video file, it is mandatory to use a form data instance. Since images are also uploaded via a POST request, the Content-Type header must be multipart/form-data as opposed to application/json.

GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE /directors/:id/

You can perform the above http method operations to an individual Director instance given the actor id specified in the endpoint or url.

    "bio": "string",

POST, GET /moods/

Expected Request Body:


Expected Response Body:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Exciting",
    "_videos": []

The _videos attribute is not modifiable, meaning you cannot change its content. The _video is a list of videos that fall under this mood.

Note that when sending a POST request to a upload an image or video file, it is mandatory to use a form data instance. Since images are also uploaded via a POST request, the Content-Type header must be multipart/form-data as opposed to application/json.

GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE /moods/:id/

You can perform the above http method operations to an individual Mood instance given the actor id specified in the endpoint or url.


POST, GET /playlists/

Expected Request Body:


Expected Response Body:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "My Playlist",
    "_videos": []

The _videos attribute is not modifiable, meaning you cannot change its content. The _video is a list of videos that fall under this playlist.

Note that when sending a POST request to a upload an image or video file, it is mandatory to use a form data instance. Since images are also uploaded via a POST request, the Content-Type header must be multipart/form-data as opposed to application/json.

GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE /playlists/:id/

You can perform the above http method operations to an individual PlatList instance given the actor id specified in the endpoint or url.
