
Conference Management System

Primary LanguageJava

	_**Tutorial for setting-up the project from GIT**_
  • First clone the repository with "git clone + the repository path".

  • Enter in the folder.

  • To get the develop branch write git "pull --rebase origin developementDatabase" and after that "git checkout develop"

  • Use Import Project form InteliJ and add the first 2 options for the project and check Use Default Gradle Wrapper, choose the creation folder (the folder you cloned the repository).

  • Navigate into the project directory in WebConference>src>main>webapp and open a Terminal (Linux)/CMD (Windows), in that folder, and run the command "npm install"

  • For the Postgres you will need to add a new DB with name "WebConferenceDB" and have an user with Name: postgres and Password: postgres

                  **_In theory it should work!! :))_**
                  ------------ALL GOOD------------