React Router

In this activity we will add React Router to the Books application in order to render a book details page as well as a no match 404 page.


  • Open the Unsolved folder and install dependencies by running npm install at the project root.

  • Start the app by running npm start from the project root.

  • Once the app starts open your browser to localhost:3000.

  • Open App.js.

Part 1

  • Set up React Router inside of the client/src/App.js file.

    • The / and /books routes should both render the Books component page.

Part 2

  • Notice that inside of the pages folder we have a NoMatch component. This is the component for our 404 page.

  • Add a route for the new NoMatch component. This should only render if no other routes are matched. e.g. /sjdfhjsdhfjsa or /notarealroute/lalala should both render the NoMatch component page.

    • You will need to use the Switch component from the React Router Dom library to accomplish this. An example can be found here.

Part 3

  • Notice that in the pages folder we have a Detail component. This component displays additional information about a book.

  • Add a route for the the new Detail component. This should render when the /books/:id path is matched. e.g. if a book's _id is 59a39cf2549cf482c814333f, then /books/59a39cf2549cf482c814333f should render its book Detail page.

  • Inside of the Detail component, add code so that when the component mounts, we retrieve the book for the rendered route and save it to e.g. when the route is /books/59a39cf2549cf482c814333f, an AJAX request should be made to get the book with an _id of 59a39cf2549cf482c814333f. If completed successfully, you should see the book's synopsis on this page.

    • You may need to look into URL params with React Router to accomplish this.

    • To access props in a class component you must use this.props instead of props.


  • Parts 1 - 2 will only require you modify the client/src/App.js file.

  • The React Router DOM library should already be installed.

  • The React Router documentation is your friend!

  • Ask the instructor or a TA if you're having difficulty understanding any of the activity requirements.