
An attempt to mimic the createFetcher API with React 16.2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Create createFetcher

An attempt to mimic Suspense with React 16.2.


For learning and programming gymnastics 🤸‍♂️


Do not really use this.

This example is lifted from ./src/starwars/character-list.js

const characterFetcher = createFetcher(page =>
    .then(() => fetch(`https://swapi.co/api/people/?page=${page}`))
    .then(resp => resp.json())

export const PaginatedCharacterList = () => (
  <DeferredState initialState={{ page: 1 }}>
    {({ page }, deferSetState) => {
      const { results, next, previous } = characterFetcher.read(page);
      return (
          <List characters={results} />
            onPrevious={() => deferSetState({ page: page - 1 })}
            onNext={() => deferSetState({ page: page + 1 })}


The DeferredState component handles async state changes. It holds state that is passed to a fetcher's read method.

The defaultState prop is used specify the initial async state.

The children of DeferredState is a function with two arguments. The first is the current state. The second is the deferSetState method. This method is used to change the state that DeferredState holds.

That's it 😃