
A very small Docker image to bootstrap your PHP development with Composer support.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Alpine PHP with Composer


A very small Docker image to bootstrap your PHP development.

This Docker image is based on petehouston/docker-alpine-php but with Composer supported.

Support Versions

Following PHP versions are supported,

How to use?

First, pull to your local development machine,

$ docker pull petehouston/docker-alpine-php-composer

Then run the composer command in the mount directory

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home -w /home petehouston/docker-alpine-php-composer:5.6 composer require phpunit/phpunit


The repo uses make to execute the command, so you can either use make to build or manually issue the commands.

The build commands are listed below:

  • make php-5.5: to build image for PHP 5.5.
  • make php-5.6: to build image for PHP 5.6.
  • make php-7.0: to build image for PHP 7.0.
  • make build:to build images for all PHP versions.
  • make test: to execute image tests.
  • make all or make: to execute build and test
  • make clean: to remove all images.


The test suite is located in tests/index.sh.


Please share your words if any. Always welcome :)