Just another Guide plugin for Sketch.
Currently under development
- Add guide in both direction, vertical and horizontal.
- Remove all guides in pages or artboards.
Open Sketch, on menu Plugin > Reveal Plugins Folder. Download the repo as ZIP and extract to above directory.
$ cd ~/Library/Application Support/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3/Plugins
$ git clone https://github.com/petehouston/sketch-guides Guides
The default command bind
- Control + Shift + G : to lauch the guide adding input.
- Control + Shift + H : to add a horizontal guide.
- Control + Shift + V : to add a vertical guide.
- Control + Shift + R : to remove all guides on current page or current artboard.
When using Commands dialog, you need to input with a format:
{v, h}<Space>{digit}
where, v for vertical, h for horizontal direction; and {digit} is a coordinate value.
For example,
- Add a vertical guide at 150px:
v 150
- Add a horizontal guide at 50px:
h 50
However, if you use Add Horizontal or Add Vertical, simply input a coordinate number.
I added a guide but why it does not display on screen?
You need to show the ruler because guides are associated with ruler. Via menu View, select Show Ruler, or simple key combination Control + R.
I added a guide and showed the ruler but it still doesn't display?
In this case, it could be in different artboards or pages. Iterate through all pages and artboards to find out which one you added.
Can I change the guide color? I don't like current one.
Sure, you can. Via menu Sketch, select Preferences, select tab Canvas, pick your guide color at Color Guide at the bottom of the dialog.
Feel free to suggest if you would like something to have.