
A boilerplate project built using React, Redux, TypeScript and Material-UI. Implements guidelines of https://github.com/petejank/hierarchical-front-end-structure

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


PRs Welcome License: MIT likeadev

A boilerplate+ built using React, Redux, TypeScript and Material-UI. It contains basic pre-baked components and utilities to get your project started quickly. Implements guidelines of Hierarchical Front-end Structure.

The package includes:

  • sign-in page (any login/password combination will be accepted)
  • dashboard page fetching JSON data from external source (courtesy of JSONPlaceholder)
  • placeholder of authentication mechanism. Stores token in localStorage
  • basic tests utilising Jest and React Testing Library


  • Node.js >= 10.0.0
  • Yarn >= 1.0.0

Quick Start

  1. git clone git@github.com:petejank/react-typescript-material-boilerplate.git - clone the repository
  2. cd react-typescript-material-boilerplate - enter the cloned directory
  3. yarn install - install dependencies using Yarn
  4. yarn start - run the development server
  5. Access http://localhost:8080/

Available Run Scripts

Remember to first install required node dependencies through yarn install (preffered) or npm install.

To run tasks type yarn <taskNameHere> or npm run <taskNameHere>. Tasks list:

  • start - run Webpack development server
  • build - build the project in development mode
  • build:prod - build the project in production mode
  • lint - prettifies and then lints ts* and js* files
  • test - run tests and terminate. Usable in CI environments
  • test:watch - run tests in watch mode. Usable for development
  • test:coverage - run tests and generate test coverage report
  • bundle-analyzer - runs bundle analyzer of the production build


Feel free to create an issue or a PR if you have an idea on how to improve this repository.


This work is licensed under MIT license