
Drover coding challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

Drover Assignment - Insurance Calculator

Drover is a vehicle rental market place where drivers can rent a vehicle from an owner, Drover facilitates these rentals.

You should know this already!!

Drover needs to build a calculator to help them price their 2 new insurance products:

  1. Driver Insurance
  2. Vehicle Owner Insurance

You can read about these two products in the notes found in their respective models.

Got it?? There are also some tests in the below files which should help make more sense of this

  • spec/models/driver_insurance_spec.rb
  • spec/models/vehicle_owner_insurance_spec.rb

Drover brought in a new freelance developer to work on this functionality.

Unfortunately this developer has written some dubious code and mysteriously disappeared.

Note - The tests were written by us and you can assume are accurate.

We need the code to be fixed and completed, below is a summary of the remaining work.

**Please push the repo to your GitHub account and share the link with us, DO NOT create a fork **

Driver Insurance Spec

  1. Make the test "calculates the number of days to charge for all the insurance for one driver" pass. You will need to complete the implementation of the method total_days_charged_for_all_driver_insurance_policies in Partner.
  2. The third test passes but the functionality looks wrong, could you correct the problem here.
  3. The code related to Driver Insurance (across all files) could do with refactoring. Please consider code simplicity, readability and maintainability when refactoring this code.
  4. The fourth driver insurance test is only outlined and neither test code or functionality is in place, could you write both.

Vehicle Owner Insurance Spec (optional - please leave if there is not time)

  1. The second vehicle owner insurance spec passes but the functionality is clearly wrong. Could you fix the implementation.
  2. We have recently been experimenting with a new pricing system for vehicle owner insurance, version2 (described in the test). The third fleet insurance spec tests for this new pricing, but the functionality needs completing.