
Petshop application

Primary LanguagePHP

PetShop Coding Test

GitHub Tests Action Status Welcome to the PetShop Coding Test repository. This project serves as a PHP developer test for Buckhill.

What was done

Implemented endpoints

  • /v1/admin/create
  • /v1/admin/login
    • with jwt and asymmetric keys
  • /v1/admin/user-listing
    • All filters are implemented and must pass validation if filled
    • Pagination is implemented
    • A dynamic filter was implemented, if the property in the request is valid the filter builder will look for ->filterBy{property} method in the User builder class
  • /api/swagger
    • Route with swagger endpoints


JWT Authentication

The api authentication was implemented using the package https://github.com/lcobucci/jwt.


  • For this project was used docker-compose
  • For the notifier package just docker

Notifier Package

The Notifier package has been successfully installed, and you can confirm its integration by observing its functionality during testing.


  • Admin
  • Users
  • Payment and OrderStatus to test the Notifier package effectively


You can find the complete list of commands at the of this doc, but there are two primary commands:

  • artisan app:reset : This command is used to reset the database and is scheduled for regular execution.
  • artisan swagger:generate This command generate the swagger json file


Implemented using #Annotations

Static & insights

Implemented using psr-12 and phpstan. Insights

  • Code: 100 %
  • Complexity: 88.7%
  • Architecture: 93.8%
  • Style: 100 %


Two middlewares were created:

  • EnforceJson, to avoid errors when you forget to set the "accept" JSON header
  • EnsureUserAdmin, to protect routes that only admins should access

Data Objects

This app uses DataObjects instead of Laravel Request/Resource, making it easier to use static types.

Filter Builder

  • filterBy{property} means it filters by any condition.
  • findBy{property} means it finds by a specific condition.
  • A search prefix means it will return a collection.
     * @return \App\Builders\UserBuilder<TModelClass>
    public function filterByEmail(string $email): self
        $this->where('email', 'like', '%' . $email . '%');
        return $this;
     * @return \App\Builders\UserBuilder<TModelClass>
    public function findByEmail(string $email): self
        $this->where('email', $email);
        return $this;
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection<array-key,TModelClass>
    public function searchByEmail(string $email): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
        return $this->findByEmail($email)->get();


I'm using PEST PHP for testing, and if you want to see all tests running without running locally, just check the GitHub actions page.

artisan test


This application requires PHP, MySQL, Nginx, or Apache to run.

Install Dependencies

composer install
# If you want to play with swagger
npm run install
npm run build


This is a basic setup to open the Swagger URL.

# initialize the service
docker-compose up -d

# i comment the line 37 on Dockerfile to avoid update in my local because i'm using valet for development
# install the depencies if you forget to uncomment the line 37
docker-compose exec app composer install

# run migration and seed
docker-compose exec app php /var/www/html/artisan app:reset

# Running tests
docker-compose exec app php artisan test

# Updating swagger
docker-compose exec app php artisan swagger:generate

# the path for then is /var/www/html/jwt_keys

Accessing swagger API

http://localhost:8888/api/swagger Don't forget to change the server to localhost

JWT configuration

You must create your PEM keys and add the environment variables to your .env file or use the test keys.


Creating your keys

mkdir jwt_keys openssl genrsa -out private_01.pem -aes256 4096 openssl rsa -pubout -in private_01.pem -out public_01.pem openssl rsa -in private_01.pem -out private_001.pem


Resetting the application

The artisan app:reset command will restart your application when executed. This command is set to run every midnight UTC. If you are running it locally, you can add the following code to your crontab. In the docker machine this command is used by supervisor.

* * * * * {path to php}/php {path to application}/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Generate Swagger Doc

artisan swagger:generate

Composer console commands

Run all analyses

composer analyse

Run static analysis with Larastan

composer analyse:static

Run insights with PHP Insights

composer analyse:insights

Run style fixer Laravel PINT

composer style:fix
