
A collection of tools to extend the Unity editor functionality.

The goal of this package is to provide extra tools for the editor without becoming a dependency of your project. Import it when you need it, delete it when you're done, and there should be no effect on your codebase*, just improvements to your workflow.

*apart from the Packages/manifest.json that is, that's unavoidable. Just make sure to not commit it, or remove this package before you do.

Add to your project with the Package Manager using the git url:

Or by adding the following to your project's Packages/manifest.json file:

"com.editoronly.utils": "https://github.com/petemainardi/EditorOnlyUtils.git"

Summary of Functionality

Isolated Transform Reset

Menu item visible when a gameobject is selected, resets transform attributes so that they are locally zeroed out without affecting the global transform attributes of the transform's children.

Bulk Rename

Menu item visible when a gameobject is selected, allowing the following options for renaming the selected objects:

  • Rename selected objects as if they were duplicates of the first selected object.
  • Remove Unity-enumerated suffix at the end of each selected object's name.