
⚡ Decoupled model performance monitoring tool

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Case description

The current state of our product involves a front-end written in Angular and a back-end consisting of multiple microservices written in TypeScript (NestJS). These microservices together support the deployment, logging, monitoring and several other important functionalities. However, the product owner has decided that its time to start developing a new functionality, namely extensive monitoring of the current machine learning models in production. The plan is to set-up a new microservice with the following functionalities:

  1. Retrieving a list of all the logs.
  2. Retrieving a list of all the logs for a specific model.
  3. Show a graph of errors that occur over time


A json with all a list of logs for a bunch of models, containing the following properties:

      "predictionId": 1,
      "modelId": 1,
      "status": 200,
      “timestamp”: 849274928,
      "responseTime": 47


Pull the repository

Create an Angular application with the following functionalities:

important: use your creative freedom to show us your streghts in the assignment. There are no good or false answers. You can use the steps below as a guideline for the development of our monitoring feature.

  1. Navigation bar with two links: Predictions and Monitoring
  2. Create routes and components for the PredictionsComponent and MonitoringComponent
  3. Create the PredictionsComponent with the follow functionalities:
    • Create a table of all the predictions (with all data) ordered from most recent to most old.
    • Create a filter for a modelId. The table should then only show predictions for that modelId (ordered from most recent to most old).
  4. Create the MonitoringComponent with the following functionality:
    • Create a graph that shows the errors over time (i.e. status != 200)
    • Create a time filter to show only specific time

Tip: To speed things up you can use Angular Material: documentation


Make a list or planning on additional tasks you want to perform to complete this feature for final review.