
WordPress Plugin - Convert animated GIFs to GIFV format

Primary LanguagePHP

Son of GIFV

Contributors: gungeekatx
Tags: gif, gifv, animated gif, mp4
Donate link: https://petenelson.io/
Requires at least: 4.4
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Convert animated GIFs to GIFV format


Animated GIFs are large. The GIFV format introduced by Imgur solves this problem by converting animated GIFs to MP4 and embedding them in an HTML page. This plugin leverages the Imgur API to convert animated GIFs hosted on your WordPress site into locally hosted GIFV URLs.

  • Adds "Convert to GIFV" to the Media Library
  • Creates URLs for converted GIFV files (ex: mysite.com/animated.gifv)
  • Twitter card and Facebook opengraph support for sharing
  • WP-CLI support via "gifv"

Plugin name inspired by Son of Clippy

Find us on GitHub


  1. Upload the son-of-gifv directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Visit Settings > Son of GIFV to configure plugin settings


v1.0.0 October 5, 2016

  • Initial release

Upgrade Notice

v1.0.0 October 5, 2016

  • Initial release

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

  1. "Convert GIFV" is selected.
  2. The animated GIF is upload to the Imgur API.
  3. The Imgur API converts it to MP4 format.
  4. The MP4 and a thumbnail are downloaded back into your WordPress site.
  5. The original GIF is flagged with the GIFV information.


1. "Convert to GIFV" on a media admin screen

"Convert to GIFV" on a media admin screen

2. "View GIFV" link for a GIF that has been converted

"View GIFV" link for a GIF that has been converted

3. "View GIFV" link when viewing a GIF in the media grid

"View GIFV" link when viewing a GIF in the media grid

4. Inline "View GIFV" link when viewing the media list

Inline "View GIFV" link when viewing the media list

5. Example of the .gifv extension displaying the converted GIF

Example of the .gifv extension displaying the converted GIF