
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is for Openshift

The rest of the readme needs to be updated


Clone repo

cd theDeal

npm i

gulp build

Develop Locally without DB Access

gulp no-db

This will open a browser window with live reloads

Develop Locally with DB Access

Without live loads

npm start

Severed at http://localhost:5555

With live loads

** WIP **


Severed at http://localhost:7777

This will open a browser window with live reloads


  • express

  • gulp

  • browserify

  • mongodb

  • angular-ui-bootstrap

  • font-awesome

File Structure

├───┬ app/
|   ├───┬ css/
|   |   └── main.less
|   ├───┬ js/
|   |   └── main.js
|   ├── app.js
|   └── app.less
├───┬ resources/
|   ├───┬ db/
|   |   ├───┬ mongodb/
|   |   |   ├── mongoDBConnection.js
|   |   |   └── mongoDBUI.js
|   |   └── templateConnection.js
|   ├───┬ images/
|   |   ├── favicon.ico
|   |   └── petelogo.png
|   └── templateConnection.js
├───┬ www/
|   ├───┬ css/
|   |   ├── bundle.css
|   |   └── bundle.min.css
|   ├───┬ js/
|   |   ├── bundle.js
|   |   └── bundle.min.js
|   └── index.html
├── gulpfile.js
├── package.json
├── README.md
└── server.js


gulp build will build bundled.css and bundled.js, bundled.min.css and bundled.min.js, & add the bootstrap and font awesome icons to fonts/ (run this first)

gulp or gulp no-db will build your bundled.css and bundled.js in www/ -> css/ and js/ and run live reloads

npm start or gulp local will build your bundled.css and bundled.js -> css/ and js/

gulp or npm start with mongodb running will give you access to the mongodb

edit files in app/ -> js/ and css/ they will be bundled into www/

edit index.html in www/

add resources in resources/

images are in resources/images/


Start mongodb

Auto db create and add data

This will create a db name deal in mongodb

Then it will add 3 records to deal

Navigate to this project folder mongodb in terminal and run createDBandData.js

  • cd resources/db/mongodb/

  • node createDBandData.js

The following three records will be added to deal

Enter data manually

Create db in mongodb deal

insert the following objects into mongodb

{ "name" : "pete", "color" : "blue", "fun" : "yes" }

{ "name" : "mary", "color" : "purple", "fun" : "yes" }

{ "name" : "paul", "color" : "red", "fun" : "no" }

